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My Educational Plan (EduPlan) Academic Program Evaluation

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Presentation on theme: "My Educational Plan (EduPlan) Academic Program Evaluation"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Educational Plan (EduPlan) Academic Program Evaluation

2 Select Credit Students
from the Owl Link Main Menu.

3 Select My Educational Plan (EduPlan) under the My Credit Academic Records category.

4 At the My Educational Plan (EduPlan) screen, select the Program Evaluation link then click OK.

5 On the Academic Program Evaluation screen, put a check in the box next to an active program, Business Administration. If the academic program is incorrect, meet with an academic advisor in Bladen Hall 124.

6 Select “All (includes planned)” from the drop down box next to the “What work do you want to include question?” Click Submit to continue.

7 An example of an Academic Program Evaluation for Business Administration
Program Status includes: Institutional- credits and GPA minimums; student Earned-credits and GPA; Combined-credits, those taken at PGCC and accepted from other institutions. Status Key- defines the status indicator for each requirement. Status Indicator-is the first entry in each requirement category, e.g. C, for Completed.

8 General Education- shows the categories and courses needed to satisfy these requirements.
General Education categories include: English Composition, Humanities, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and Computer Literacy. Some programs also require General Electives.

9 Program Concentration- section shows the courses required for a major, e.g., Business Administration.

10 Other Courses- are those that have been taken, but do not count towards completion of this program.
Contact Academic Advising by at if you have questions. Notes- explains course footnotes, e.g., PL Planned-not yet registered.

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