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Miss Guarino’s Classroom Newsletter Week of March 13th-March 17th

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1 Miss Guarino’s Classroom Newsletter Week of March 13th-March 17th
A note from the teacher: Dear 6B and Parents, Happy Daylight Savings! I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. This week in 6B we will continue to focus on Women’s History Month. Students will be researching a famous woman in history and will write a 1-2 page paper in class on their background, facts, accomplishments, achievements, and influence. Students will then create a poster at home (typed, pictures, facts, background, accomplishments, achievements, & influence) and will be due on Wednesday, 3/22. Kindly let me know if I need to provide a poster board for your child. Due to the snow day last week, chaperones for the field trip on April 3rd to The Museum of Natural History will be chosen early this week. Please continue to check our website daily for Homework, Announcements, Updates, Vocab Words, etc. As always – please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns. Have a fantastic week! Sincerely, Miss Guarino What’s Coming Up Monday, March 13th -Math Module 3 Test Thursday, March 16th -Vocabulary Unit 13 Test Friday, March 17th -Dragonwings book test Ch. 1-12 Wednesday, March 22nd -Paper & Poster for Women’s History Month due Miss Guarino’s Math Bonus Time will be held after school every Tuesday until 3:45pm!  Monday, April 3rd – Field Trip to The Museum of Natural History Reminders Contact: Weekly Vocabulary Words: Unit 13 Adhere Affirm Atrocity Cope Deter Disquieting Empower Fluent Lag Mangle Misapprehension Optimist Prowl Recitation Stupefy Sulky Supplement Surge Trait Unscrupulous

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