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(c) 2014, admin by Thousand Tongues

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1 (c) 2014, admin by Thousand Tongues
The Cross of Jesus (c) 2014, admin by Thousand Tongues The cross of Jesus calls my name And draws me ever near To make the bitter sweet again And calm my every fear. The cross of Jesus bore the burden Of suff'ring and decay Yet blooms with life and loveliness And shines with endless day.

2 (c) 2014, admin by Thousand Tongues
The Cross of Jesus (c) 2014, admin by Thousand Tongues The cross of Jesus, lifted high That all might see and live, Has healed the serpent's poison bite For all who would believe. The cross of Jesus, where the curse fell Upon the spotless Lamb, Twas there my debts were crucified And evil put to shame.

3 (c) 2014, admin by Thousand Tongues
The Cross of Jesus (c) 2014, admin by Thousand Tongues The cross of Jesus- where I find The tree of endless life; Though once forbidden now is mine For I am one with Christ. The cross of Jesus, all my treasure- The source of ceaseless praise, The sum of gospel promises, The well-spring of His grace.

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