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Guidance Lesson September 6, 2017

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1 Guidance Lesson September 6, 2017

2 Pre-Test As a class decide if the following statements are rude, mean, or bullying? Someone calls you a name. Picking your nose. Listening to gossip. Making fun of someone’s looks, clothes, or family. A person who is bragging. A person who is mocking you.

3 Pre-Test Part 1 Answers Someone calls you a name…..Mean/Bullying
Picking your nose….Rude Listening to gossip…..Mean Making fun of someone’s looks, clothes, or family….Bullying A person who is bragging…..Rude A person who is mocking you…Mean/Bullying

4 Pre-Test 7. You move away from someone who wants to sit or work with your group. 8. Someone pushes you down. 9. Telling someone everyday they don’t have any friends. 10. Someone twists your arm. 11. The person beside you is making annoying noises. 12. Making someone cry whenever you can.

5 Pre-Test Part 2 Answers 7. You move away from someone who wants to sit or work with your group….Mean 8. Someone pushes you down….Bullying 9. Telling someone everyday they don’t have any friends….Bullying 10. Someone twists your arm….Mean/Bullying 11. The person beside you is making annoying noises….Rude 12. Making someone cry whenever you can….Bullying

6 Pre-Test 14. Someone steps on your shoe in line. 15. Yelling at people to “Shut Up!.” 16. Laughing at someone who makes a mistake. 17. Getting in front of someone in line. 18. Leaving someone out every time you form groups. 19. A student says some cuss words to you. 20. Someone is yelling at you. 21. Purposing spreading gossip or rumors. 22. Laughing at someone falls down.

7 Pre-Test Part 3 Answers 14. Someone steps on your shoe in line on purpose….Mean 15. Yelling at people to “Shut Up!.”….Mean 16. Laughing at someone who makes a mistake….Mean 17. Getting in front of someone in line….Rude 18. Leaving someone out every time you form groups….Bullying 19. A student says some cuss words to you….Mean 20. Someone is yelling at you….Mean/Bullying 21. Purposely spreading gossip or rumors….Bullying 22. Laughing at someone falls down….Rude

8 Rude Rude is: accidently saying or doing something that hurts feelings or embarrasses someone inconsiderate thoughtless, unplanned behavior bad manners only thinking about yourself not meant to actually hurt someone.

9 Rude Examples of being rude include: Burping Coughing
Sneezing on Others Bragging about Grades Cutting in Line Horseplay Being Disrespectful Getting in Personal Space

10 Mean (But Sometimes Bullying)
Being mean (but sometimes bullying) is: Saying or doing something on purpose to hurt someone once or maybe twice. Doing something in anger to make someone else look bad, we usually regret later

11 Mean (But Sometimes Bullying)
Examples of being Mean (But sometimes bullying) include: Criticizing or making fun of someone’s clothes, looks, intelligence, or skin Being disrespectful of others belongings.

12 Bulling Bullying is behavior that is: On Purpose
Repeated Over Time or Severe Enough Once Involves an Imbalance of Power.

13 Bullying There are 4 types of bullying:
Physical – actions that hurt your body Verbal – words that hurt your feelings Friendship – words/actions that hurt your friendships, using a friendship or threatening to take friendship away. Cyberbullying – Intentional, repeated harmful behavior using technology.

14 Brainstorming Work with a small group or as a class to think of all the things you can that fit in each category.

15 Sometimes Mean Can be Bullying.

16 Reference

17 Go Tigers #TEAMCMS #TCC

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