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Chapter 13 (p ) & Chapter 14 (P )

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1 Chapter 13 (p. 350-373) & Chapter 14 (P. 376-403)
European Middle Ages Chapter 13 (p ) & Chapter 14 (P )

2 European Middle Ages Middle Ages- era of European history after the fall of the Roman Empire Approximately 1,000 years (from about 500 AD AD)

3 European Middle Ages New culture emerges with roots in:
Classical heritage of Rome Beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church Customs of various Germanic tribes

4 Medieval Society- Economic System
Manors Lord’s estate Set of rights and obligations between serfs and lords Self-sufficient community producing a variety of goods

5 Medieval Society- Political System
Feudalism Form of government based on landholding Alliances between lords and vassals Oaths of loyalty in exchange for land and military service Ranking of power and authority

6 Medieval Society- Belief System
The Church Power over people’s everyday lives Unifying force of Christian faith Involvement in political affairs

7 Medieval Society- Code of Conduct
Chivalry Displays of courage and valor in combat Respect toward women Devotion to feudal lord and heavenly lord

8 Charlemagne Built an empire greater than any known since ancient Rome Defeated Muslims in Spain Spread Christianity Crowned emperor by the Pope

9 Holy Roman Empire Founded by Otto the Great
Remained the strongest state in Europe until 1100

10 Europe in the Middle Ages
Economics: Better farming methods increased food production Trade expanded Guilds formed for both merchants and artisans

11 Europe in the Middle Ages
Politics/Government: England and France developed strong central governments Parliament and the Estates-General bring representation to commoners Parliament- Legislative group in England Magna Carta- Guarantees basic political rights Estates-General- Meeting of the three estates in France, helped increase royal power against nobility

12 Europe in the Middle Ages
The Hundred Years’ War Who: England vs. France Why: 1. Who owns duchy of Guyenne 2. Who is the rightful ruler of France Result: further weakened feudal power

13 Europe in the Middle Ages

14 Europe in the Middle Ages
Religion: The Great Schism weakened the Church Split in the Catholic Church- 2 Popes

15 Europe in the Middle Ages
Religion: The Crusades The First Crusade captured Jerusalem Later Crusades accomplished little Became less about reclaiming Holy Lands and more about wealth

16 Europe in the Middle Ages
Bubonic Plague: Spread from Asia via trade Would revive each spring After 5 years 1/3 of Europe’s population was dead (25 million people) Results: Labor shortages End of feudalism Loss of confidence in Church

17 Europe in the Middle Ages
Universities: Scholastic guilds No physical space at the beginning Italy, England, France, Spain, Portugal Students: Ages 14-30s

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