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Year 1 class news at Ysgol y Ddraig This week…

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1 Year 1 class news at Ysgol y Ddraig This week…
We have been: Exercising with 5-a-day and our Daily Mile. Finding one more / less than a given number to 20 using a number line and objects. Finding number doubles by matching and doubling spots on butterflies & ladybirds, using mirrors to double the number of bears and adding 2 identical pieces of Numicon, then writing the corresponding number sentences. Using playdough to make double an amount. Adding 2, 3 and 4 more than a given number. Practising number formation in the sand, using colourful pens and whiteboards. Working hard in our Read Write Inc groups. Reading stories and asking our partner questions in Welsh. Enjoying our RE focus week by – Visiting Bethel Baptist church and learning all about it from Reverend Hibbert. Making stained glass windows with paper. Labelling the features of Bethel Baptist church. Making the Christian Cross using construction. Learning the story of Joseph and his coloured coat from The Bible. Talking about harvest and collecting donations for the local food bank. Learning and performing our Harvest song in the FPh Harvest assembly. Using vegetables and paint to create a woodland scene. Catching and Throwing balls in PE. Week Ending: Friday 13th October 2017 Reminders Please send water bottles into school in addition to a lunchtime drink PE days are on Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays - kit needed for indoors and outside. Please can you clearly label all clothing/lunchboxes/water bottles Home reading books – please write a comment and return all books, sound button cards and book bags to school on the designated day. Fruit snack is available for 20p per day or children may bring their own. Follow our activities on Thank you for all your harvest food donations. They will be delivered to our local Foodbank. Parent Consultations: Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th October. Appointments can be booked using the online booking system. If you experience any difficulties with this, please contact the office. Halloween “Spooky Disco” for FPh: Wednesday 25th October, 4-5pm. There will be no clubs that evening. Many thanks to our parent helpers who walked to Bethel Baptist Church with us. Home Learning activities Please refer to the half termly homework grid for a choice of tasks. To practise the concept of one more/less, children can play ‘Chopper Squad (1-30)’ on the Topmarks website. .If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to ask. Diolch yn Fawr Have a lovely weekend! Miss S Grafton, Mrs N Farmer and the year 1 team

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