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The Core rules I will be polite and show respect to everyone I will listen to others and do as I am asked I will work hard I will respect things that belong.

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Presentation on theme: "The Core rules I will be polite and show respect to everyone I will listen to others and do as I am asked I will work hard I will respect things that belong."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Core rules I will be polite and show respect to everyone I will listen to others and do as I am asked I will work hard I will respect things that belong to other people I will always walk inside our school

2   At lunchtime: I will sit where I am asked I will eat my lunch quietly and sensibly I will use good table manners I will talk only to people on my table. I will not share food I will not leave my table unless I am given permission.    

3 Consequences At the start of each lesson every one’s name is on the green happy face. 1 Verbal warning 2 Second warning your name is removed from Green Happy face and placed on Yellow warning face. 3 Third warning child’s name removed Yellow warning face and placed on Unhappy Red face. 4. ‘Time out’ within the classroom for a limited period to be separated from class mates. 5. Miss 5 minutes playtime stay in class with adult.

4 Each new lesson is a new chance!
If you do not make the right choices in the next and end up on time out for a second time in the day you will be reported to Mrs. Harrison who will speak to your parents. 

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