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Buxton Voices Feedback PPT

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1 Buxton Voices Feedback PPT
24th June 2017

2 Joint Buxton Voices Friday 23rd June
Agenda Quiz Food for Life – Bronze Award New Canteen Competition Feedback Feedback Buxton Voices Priorities AOB            

3 News Quiz – First Place…….
Woolf shakespeare Curie

4 Food for Life – Bronze Award – Alfie Whelan
We are working to achieve this accreditation by working with everyone across our school community…. Olive Dining consultation – Buxton Voices Conservation and gardening club – Miss Jand International Evening – Miss Douthwaite School Nutrition Action Group – Miss Moloney School Meal improvements – Buxton Voices

5 Food for Life - Autumn Term menus (Primary)
Olive Dining has sent us menus to look at for the autumn term…they want to know what we think. Here is one example….

6 Can we ask if the price of each item can be displayed?
Buxton Voices reps agreed that since the consultation there have been some improvements. Can we ask if the price of each item can be displayed? Can we make sure that we get what it says on the menus? Can we ask why the price for water and unhealthy drinks are the same?

7 Closing date 30th June You could win Amazon vouchers worth £100
Competition Meanwhile Olive Dining and Buxton School have launched a competition to name our new eating area (formerly canteen) in the new school building. What do you think it should be called? What should we call our new canteen? Closing date 30th June To enter write your idea on a piece of paper with your name and your form group and hand it to Miss Moloney Good luck! (Closing date 30th June) You could win Amazon vouchers worth £100

8 Buxton Voices had a debate about water fights and consequences.
When can pupils stop water fights? We all need to work together on this one. Priorities Why are we angry at teachers when it’s pupils who are causing the problem? The floor gets really wet and slippery due to pupils filling water balloons and we need to keep everyone safe. When can we start getting water and refilling our bottles again? Buxton Voices had a debate about water fights and consequences. Parents don’t want their kids coming home soaking wet either. We really need reps to go back to their classes and advise pupils to stop water fighting. We all need to work together on this one…. Although we think its unfair we understand why teachers can’t stop everybody who is playing with water. Pupils are even having water fights after school in the street. It makes everyone look bad. The school cleaners and caretakers are really unhappy about having to clear up after us. There is also a lot of water on the stairs and it’s really dangerous? Because on Thursday a lot of year 9s were using water bottles to have water fights Why are the toilets sometimes locked at lunchtime? Why does the whole year group have consequences? It’s difficult to manage water fights when so many are involved. We took action last week so that people couldn’t easily access water. We wanted to know why year 9s were not allowed to have water bottles with their snack pack on Friday.

9 Feedback Feedback At every meeting we ask Buxton Voices reps if they have been able to feedback the PowerPoint presentation from the last meeting. Only 3 reps told us that they couldn’t feedback to their class/form following 19th May - Joint meeting. Classes 10G, 3PS, 5PS, 9S and 3WS were not represented at todays meeting.

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