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Exploring STEM With History

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1 Exploring STEM With History
June 21, 2017

2 Personal Introductions
Nancy Stark School Programs Director at Conner Prairie Dana Jones School Programs Manager at Conner Prairie

3 Workshop Objectives Recognize/Identify STEM education opportunities at Conner Prairie. Apply discussed STEM education approaches to the classroom environment.

4 Workshop Agenda Introduction Analyzing Artifacts activity
Conner Prairie STEM overview Create.Connect challenges Handouts Reflections/sharing

5 Analyzing Artifacts Activity
Using the handout, analyze the object (6 min) Share findings Discuss classroom applications


7 STEM at Conner Prairie Search for simple machines.
Compare past and present (changes over time in technology). Vast changes since the early nineteenth century such as the use of electricity as a power source. Inventions (sewing machine, automobile, electric light bulb, telephone, computer) have revolutionized the country and the world.

8 Treetop Outpost Explore giant 4-story treehouse.
Connect with natural materials in the world around you. Investigate archaeology dig. Build with bamboo poles, wood blocks and fabric.

9 1859 Balloon Voyage John Wise story: his ideas and his historic 1859 balloon flight. Examples of interactives: Get on a scale and find out how many party balloons it would take to lift you off the ground. Experiment with wind currents and how they move objects at a wind table.

10 1836 Prairietown Working & thriving community in 1836
Compare past and present and learn about the processes that go into the various trades (blacksmith, carpenter, potter) Discover the technology of the time in areas such as farming, daily chores, and medicine.

11 Conner Homestead Conner House built in 1823 on this site.
Explore interactive exhibits on the first floor such as land surveying and food preparation. Find out more about Conner’s life and times. Loom House showing textile processes. Animal Encounters Barn.

12 Lenape Indian Camp Learn about Lenape life and their technology including uses of natural resources. See trade goods and talk to the fur trader. Explore the wigwam. Sit inside a log canoe.

13 1863 Civil War Journey Tells the story of Confederate General John Hunt Morgan’s raid into Indiana. Consider communication, medical and transportation technology. Mix of live interpretation and audiovisual presentations that showcase the raid (recommended for grades 4 and up). Union Camp tents, the Porter house and the Union Quartermaster station.

14 Create.Connect Combines history and STEM.
Topics include aviation, wind power, rural electrification, and invention/innovation. Highlights Indiana connections. Hands-on activities.

15 Create.Connect Challenge
Discuss aviation history of Indiana. Design/make paper glider. Carry out test flight. Redesign to fly farther. Carry out another test flight. Share experiences. Brainstorm classroom applications.

16 Contact Information Nancy Stark School Programs Director at Conner Prairie Dana Jones School Programs Manager at Conner Prairie

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