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4/2/14 “PEET paragraphs” What do the letters of PEET stand for & what should you be writing for each one in an argumentative paragraph? P = E = T = On.

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Presentation on theme: "4/2/14 “PEET paragraphs” What do the letters of PEET stand for & what should you be writing for each one in an argumentative paragraph? P = E = T = On."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/2/14 “PEET paragraphs” What do the letters of PEET stand for & what should you be writing for each one in an argumentative paragraph? P = E = T = On desk: Tax Policies PEET wksht. w/ 3 pieces of evidence

2 Tax Policies Argumentative Paragraphs
POINT Answer focus question (thesis statement). Be specific about what you are going to prove. Example: With the national debt being extraordinarily high and economic inequality at its highest levels in decades, tax policies in the United States are obviously neither fair nor effective.

3 Tax Policies Argumentative Paragraphs
EVIDENCE Facts, examples, quotes from texts. Need to be cited. The U.S. tax system is progressive because as one’s income increases, their tax rate increases (, 2014).

4 E: EXPLANATION Context & background info. for reader. Connect evidence to your point. Provide transitions throughout paper.

5 EXPLANATION Context & background info. for reader. Connect evidence to your point. Provide transitions throughout paper. Evidence: The U.S. tax system is progressive because as one’s income increases, their tax rate increases (, 2014). Explanation: Although the percentage one pays in taxes does increase with their income, the wealthy still do not pay a high enough tax rate. If the U.S. increased the tax rate by 10% for the country’s highest earners, we could use that money to pay for essential public services like education and welfare. This would help to reduce economic inequality and level the playing field for everyone to have a fair chance at success in the U.S.

6 T: TIE-BACK Conclusion/re-state point, now with evidence. Answer the “So What?” Example: In order for U.S. tax policies to be more fair and effective, we need to raise the tax rate on top earners by 10%. This will reduce the national debt, and provide funding for crucial social services, which is absolutely necessary in a country which claims “equal opportunity for all.”

7 4/2/14 Econ. Agenda Work on Tax Policies argumentative paragraph HW: Typed, double-spaced, proof-read first draft due beginning of class.

8 Tax Policies Argumentative Paragraphs
Possible arguments & pieces of evidence…? How taxes are used. (% going to…?) Should wealthy be taxed more or less? Progressive tax rate vs. flat tax rate Inequality in America Amt. of debt U.S. is in. Tax rates in general (raise them or lower them?)

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