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Christ in the Priesthood

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1 Christ in the Priesthood
Leviticus 8-10

2 Outline of Leviticus I. The sacrifices (1-7)
II. Consecrating the priests (8-10) III. Uncleanness and its remedy (11-16) IV. Maintaining holiness (17-27)

3 You Need To Be Perfect 1 human arrogance 2 3 human stretching
Charles M. Schulz, Good Ol’ Charlie Brown (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1955), c. 50. Lucy: “I can’t really like you because you’re not perfect. Lucy: “I’m sorry, Charlie Brown, but that’s just the way I feel … Charlie: “But I’m pretty perfect..” The issue: an infinite God with infinite holiness

4 Desire for a Perfect Leader
2 We need a strong president over a strong government. I watch the horoscopes. Maybe drugs can give me peace and light. 3 1 I need a rich uncle.

5 Desire for the Ultimate
1 They are an idol, a fake priest, a false way to God. Drugs give me a chance. 2 Why not look at the real thing?

6 A. Priests and Tabernacle

7 Images God 1 2 heaven imaging 3 tabernacle Replicas priest

8 What Is a Priest? A picture of the ultimate.
Hmm, … maybe there is something here.

9 Priest’s Ephod (Exod. 28:6-13)
Curtain (Exod. 26) * Gold blue purple scarlet finely twisted linen Gold hooks blue purple scarlet finely twisted linen

10 Priest and Tabernacle * Ephod Several layers Gold plate Breastpiece
Consecrated with blood Curtain Several layers Most Holy Place God speaks from ark Consecrated with blood

11 Fulfillment of the Priesthood
2 Christ is image and tabernacle (John 1:14) 3 1 you are image and temple priest images tabernacle 1 Cor. 6:19

12 God Manifested in Christ
So Christ is the way to light. Take a perfect high priest, instead of messing it up yourself! 2 It is not quite what I wanted. I can’t run my own life. 1

13 B. Priests and People

14 Including People 1 But how would Priests model I get in on it?
what people will be.

15 Degrees of Holiness * Aaron, “high priest,” goes into the Most Holy Place once a year. Aaron’s sons, “priests,” go into Holy Place. Tribe of Levi, “Levites,” assist priests, carrying the tabernacle. Israelites have the tabernacle in their midst. Foreigners can pray to God.

16 Spread of Holiness Aaron priests Levites Israel all worshipers cosmos
So where will it stop? cosmos

17 Imitation Christ the heavenly priest Aaron priests Levites Israel
all worshipers

18 Your Priestly Privilege
God Christ the high priest in heaven You are a high priest! you have access to heaven (Heb. 10:19)

19 Applying the Priesthood
Christ offers higher privilege than I ever expected!

20 C. Consecrating Priests

21 Forming the Priesthood (Lev. 8-10)
Moses consecrates Aaron and sons (8) Aaron makes offering (9) Nadab and Abihu killed (10:1-7) Obligations of priests (10:8-20)

22 Necessary Consecration
Aaron Christ * Priest clothed Priest purified Priest set apart Righteous Pure from sin Wholly devoted to God, empowered by the Spirit

23 Fulfillment of Consecration
2 Christ is the Holy One, consecrated 1 3 Christ consecrates you God consecrates Aaron Heb. 10:10

24 Applying Consecration
Christ, make me a priest by your perfection! 1 You have access to God forever!

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