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IBM DB2 Technology Explorer

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Presentation on theme: "IBM DB2 Technology Explorer"— Presentation transcript:

1 IBM DB2 Technology Explorer
Ajith M Nair

2 Background The Technology Explorer (TE) is a light weight, web based console for DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows. The requirement for a demonstration which should extend beyond just conveying the feature of DB2 through working examples. A learning tool which a DB2 user should be able to customize. Developed using Apache, PHP and JavaScript framework connects to DB2 using DB2 CLI.

3 Purpose using TE Helps Beginners to learn DB2 through workshops and try out by running their own scripts. Advanced DB2 users can add their customized workshop on the area of expertise thus creating a knowledge base. The TE framework can also be customized for a specific requirement. The sales and the customer facing team can use it to show running demonstration rather than a slide or a presentation.

4 Setting up Technology Explorer
Windows, Linux or UNIX Box Download from the link _Explorer_for_IBM_DB2_v4.1

5 Login to IBM account and download

6 Download TE

7 TE Installation

8 Installation Contd..

9 Installation Contd..

10 Installation Contd..

11 Verify JCC Driver for Workload Multi-user Driver(WMD)

12 Exploring DB2 TE

13 DB2 Technology Explorer

14 Create Connection

15 Explore a Workshop


17 Create Workshop



20 Tutorials

21 Tutorial Folder XML

22 Individual Tutorial

23 Tutorial Pages


25 Individual Page

26 Highlighting SQL

27 Advanced Features - Monitoring


29 A pureScale Demo using TE
TE Forums Report a Bug Request a Feature A pureScale Demo using TE

30 Thank You & Questions

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