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Nobel price 2006 Andrew Z. Fire Craig C. Mello

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1 Nobel price 2006 Andrew Z. Fire Craig C. Mello
"for their discovery of RNA interference - gene silencing by double-stranded RNA" Andrew Z. Fire Craig C. Mello USA Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, CA, USA University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, MA, USA

2 Serendipity? Potent and specific genetic interference by double-stranded RNA in Caenorhabditis elegans Andrew Fire, SiQun Xu, Mary K. Montgomery,Steven A. Kostas, Samuel E. Driver & Craig C. Mello NATURE | VOL 391 | 19 FEBRUARY 1998 They worked on something else in C. elegans Gene expression – sense RNA (control) Gene silencing – antisense RNA (weak effect) One more controla with double strand (s-as) RNA, SURPRISE – IT WORKED VERY WELL

3 Nobelova price experiment
dsRNA blocks target mRNA asRNS dsRNS

4 Not absolute new Drosophila (Elbashir, EMBO J, 2001, Genes and Dev, 2001) dsRNA → nt small dsRNA small interferring RNA – siRNA siRNS 21-25 nt dsRNA from a bigger dsRNA precursor molecule

5 These are coded in genome – also in ours
C. elegans (Lee, 1993, Cell) NON CODING SEQUENCES! SMALL (61 → 22nt) RNA lin-14 mRNS 3’ UTR komplementerita REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION microRNA (miRNA)

6 miRNS biogenesis The code is transcribed by RNA polymerase II
More possibilities – separated - 1 miRNA – clusters – in INTRONS! Mendell, 2008, Cell

7 Biogenesis and effect of siRNA
Dykxhoorn, 2003, Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol

8 Finalisation of siRNA With protein complexes (coded in genome)
Dicer makes siRNA (+ATP) RISC – komplex with siRNA, cuts mRNA (+ATP) Argonauta – blocks translation

9 siRNA effect Eckstein, 2005, TIBS

10 Another possibility Inhibícia translácie

11 miRNA - functions In human genome at least 500 – 1000 miRNa genes
1-1,5 % of all structural genes A new (?) form of gene expression regulation – on the interface of transcription and translation THE LAST CHECKPOINT (SMALL NINJA POLICIMEN) miRNA expression regulation???? tissue specificity, dependent on ontogenesis Involved in Development, differentiation, apoptosis, cell cycle

12 miRNA functions One miRNA can regulate more mRNA (Lim, 2005, Nature)
In different conditions different picture of expression miR-1 – heart, miR-124 – brain In vitro experiments miR-1 96, miR124 downregulated 174 génov

13 miRNA and disease miRNA profiles different in normal and malignant cells miRNA profiles in diabetes, cardiovascular and kidney diseases, degenerative disease of CNS – intensive research currently without aplication in practical medicine SNPs in miRNA genes and disease??? Therapeutical perspectives? Malignancies Farmakogenetics Design of artifical siRNA? Not a simple task Get them to the proper place – nanobiotechnology

14 Fewell, 2006, Drug Discovery

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