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Lana Abadie, March 2004.

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1 Lana Abadie, March 2004

2 Content Objectives DB Design Methodology Conf.DB & PVSS (JCOP)
Readout network dataflow Use cases Entity relationship models Table design Conf.DB & PVSS (JCOP) C routine example : use case 3 & 4 Test Tool Conclusion & future works

3 Objectives Storage of all controllable devices from all sub-systems (electronics...) static data (geographical position, links,...) dynamic data (recipes, code to download...) Each device will be stored in the Conf.DB and linked to its connectivity counterpart. Implement tools: to populate, to configure, to maintain, to communicate with other existing tool such as PVSS.

4 DB Design Methodology 1. Dataflow of the system
2. Define the use cases (scenarios) 3. Build Entity relationship models 4. Design tables

5 Readout Network Switch
ReadOutNetwork Data Flow FE cards (L1FE) 4 outputs(DAQ)+1(Throttle) 2 types of traffic HLT(1link) Level 1 (up to 3) Ex: VELO_L1FE00_00_00 . Multiplexing layer:2 types of switch TRM (1 module) HLT (16 I /2 O) (HLTMS) Ex:HLTMS_10 Level 1(16I/2O) (L1MS) Ex:L1MS_05 Readout Network Switch (RNS_Slot) HLT traffic Level 1 traffic mixed traffic Sorter RNS_Slot_00 RNS_Slot_15 HLT possible link Level 1 possible link TFC system (readout supervisor) SFC Switch CPU SFC Switch CPU SFC Switch CPU SFC Switch CPU Storage System SFC_Switch SFC_Node CPU Farm

6 Use cases 1. Define the properties of a switch
A switch has a type (L1MS for example) and a name (L1MS_05) and a hostname. Each switch type is characterized by a number of input and output ports. 2. Define the properties of a port 3. Find the adjacent switches (links) up or down connected to a given switch 4. Find all the connection paths between 2 devices 5. Check that a path exists between 2 extreme nodes (ie L1FE and SFC_node) 6. Retrieve all the links belonging to a given band link number and vice versa.

7 Entity relationship models
Port + physical address + switch name + nbr + input or output + RxFC (Enable or not) + TxFC (Enable or not) + status (Broken or not) + speed + Port Management(yes/no) + Wire sense (Switch/Switch, Switch/computer, Autosense) + Phy: T, Sx, SL + Forced Speed (Yes/No) Switch Type +Switch type +nbr of input ports +nbr of output ports Switch +Switch Name +Switch type +Host name has 1 n Link +LinkID +Switch Name From +Port Number From +Switch Name To +Port Number To +Type of link Associaton : a link has 2 ports will determine the status of link 1 2 Band link +BandID +LinkID n 1 n 1 Path +PathID +Link

8 Table Design Port SwitchType Switch List Link Type Band Link
+ (pk) + switch name (fk) ref Switch List(Switch_Name) + nbr + in_or_out + RxFC (Enable or not) + TxFC (Enable or not) + status (Broken or not) + speed:(10,100)/(10,100,1000)/ 1000/ Mbit/s + Port Management(yes/no) + Wire sense (Switch/Switch, + Switch/computer, Autosense) + Phy: T, Sx, SL + Forced Speed (Yes/No) Unique(switch name,nbr,in_or_out) SwitchType +Switch type (pk) +nbr of input port +nbr of output port Switch List +Switch Name (pk) +Switch type (fk) ref SwitchType(Switch_type) +host name 1 n 1 n Switch Connectivity +Switch_LinkID (pk) +Switch_From +Port_nbr_from +Switch_to +Port_nbr_to +link_type (fk) ref Link Type(link nbr) + bidirectional_used + Unique(Switch_From, port_nbr_from) + Unique(Switch_to, port_nbr_to) + Switch_From, Port_nbr_from (fk) ref Port(switch name,nbr,in_or_out=‘out’) + Switch_to, Port_nbr_to (fk) ref Port(switch name,nbr,in_or_out=‘in’) 1 2 Link Type +Link type +Link nbr (pk) 1 n Band Link Link_id (fk) ref SwitchConnectivity(Switch_LinkID) link_band_nbr (pk) Unique(Link_id) n<11 1 bijection READOUTNET_PATH_SFC +RNS_Slot link_readNet (fk) ref Switch List(Switch_Name) +SFC link_readNet +SFC_Switch link_readNet +SFC_Node link_readNet READOUTNET_PATH_L1FE +L1FE link_readNet (fk) ref Switch List(Switch_Name) +MS link_readNet +RNS_Slot link_readNet Link_readNet (object) +switch_from +switch_to +port_nbrfrom +port_nbrto +typeOfLink

9 Conf.DB & PVSS Conf. DB Other tools PVSS System PVSS Libraires & Tools
ADO Functions conversion to datapoint type (JCOP) fw_recipes fw_device fw_com ponents fw_device_ properties fw_recipes _properties PL/SQL scripts C routines to call when initialising devices switch link Other tools java, python user interfaces

10 C routine example: use case 3 & 4
ProC/C++ precompiler Microsoft Visual C++ struct Port {char SwitchName_FROM[21];int PortNb_FROM; char SwitchName_TO[21];int PortNb_TO;struct Port *next;}; Port** test1 (char switch_name[21], int type_port, int link_nature, char switch_type[21], int adjacent_link) Example: I want to know all the possible connexion paths from VELO_L1FE00_00_00 to RNS_Slot which carries HLT Traffic. test1(‘VELO_L1FE00_00_00’, 2 , 2 , ’RNS_Slot’ ,0)

11 Test Tool

12 Conclusion & future works
First Table design for TFC & Readout system Integrate this design with JCOP tools Take into account versioning, history Debug C routines & check their compactness.

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