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Multiannual Financial Framework : Geographic Programming

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1 Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020: Geographic Programming
DEVCO- Bernard San Emeterio 1

2 Outline of presentation
Responding to a New Context Scope Programming Principles Programming Process Timeline

3 Responding to a New Context
New institutional framework Lisbon Treaty and the establishment of the EEAS More opportunities for coherence and effectiveness New Policy context Communications: An Agenda for Change, Budget Support Aid effectiveness: Busan MFF : New DCI Regulation and 11th EDF, expected to be adopted before end of 2013. DEVCO- Bernard San Emeterio

4 Scope The guidelines cover: Latin America Caribbean and the Pacific
Asia, including Central Asia and the Middle East Subsaharan Africa, including South Africa The guidelines do not cover: Thematic programmes (DCI) and centrally-managed regional programmes (EDF and DCI) European Neighbourhood Instrument Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs)

5 Programming Principles
Ownership & alignment Partner countries take ownership National Development Plans = basis for programming Comprehensiveness and coherence Define a vision regarding the EU’s relationship with partner countries Use available tools and instruments to implement this vision DEVCO- Bernard San Emeterio

6 Synchronisation and flexibility
Synchronise to partner countries planning periods: longer or shorter programming periods Swift response to changing circumstances: ad hoc reviews of programming documents Differentiation Graduation from bilateral aid Allocation criteria DEVCO- Bernard San Emeterio

7 Concentration on 3 sectors
Country’s key needs and priorities, EU priorities, etc. Division of labour. For ACP countries: possibility of specific support for civil society (Cotonou) DEVCO- Bernard San Emeterio 7

8 Blending for growth Coordination
For countries able to mobilize private sector investments Regional or national blending mechanisms: investment facilities Coordination EU MS Other donors EIB, IFI, etc. DEVCO- Bernard San Emeterio

9 Reference documents for programming
1) Alignment based on National Development Plan 2) Joint Programming 3) If none of the above, CSP/RSP 4) Multi-annual indicative programme 9 9

10 1) Alignment on National Dev. Plan
Assessment of National Development Plan (NDP) Need to ensure synchronisation with NDP But also: duly justified possibility to support other areas not covered by the NDP DEVCO- Bernard San Emeterio

11 2) Joint programming Principles applying to joint programming (JP):
Synchronisation. Joint analysis and response. Led by EUD/MS missions and open to other donors. JP adopted according with internal procedures. DEVCO- Bernard San Emeterio

12 3) CSP/RSP If no NDP or JP, a CSP/RSP needs to be drawn
up to serve as basis for MIPs, except where: The allocation for the country is expected to be below €50 EURO DEVCO- Bernard San Emeterio

13 4) MIPs Include: JP can serve as MIP for the EU if:
Justification for the choice of (3) sectors; Indicative amount and overall and specific objectives per sector; Amount to be kept unallocated. JP can serve as MIP for the EU if: The JP contains all required elements for MIPs; The part concerning the EU contribution is adopted by the Commission following comitology. DEVCO- Bernard San Emeterio

14 TIMELINE 2012 – programming process
2013 – identification and formulation of projects and programmes 2014 – funds committed DEVCO- Bernard San Emeterio

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