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ILOs of the second lecture

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Presentation on theme: "ILOs of the second lecture"— Presentation transcript:

1 ILOs of the second lecture
-What is the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases? -What is systemic lupus erythematosus? -What is the clinical features of SLE? -What are the laboratory investigations of SLE?

2 Autoimmune Diseases

3 AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES Immune reaction self antigen disease
Organ specific Graves disease Autoimmune hemolytic anemia Systemic Systemic lupus erythromatosus Rheumatoid arthritis Nbn

Autoimmunity loss of self tolerance Infection or injurious agent Genetic Mechanisms of self tolerance Peripheral tolerance Anergy BY: - Regulatory T cells - Apoptosis Central tolerance T cell thymus B cell bone marrow


Systemic autoimmune disease female, remission and relapse Any organ affection Autoantibodies(antinuclear antibodies) and decreased clearance of apoptotic antibodies forming immune complex leading to hypersensivity reaction type III Break of self tolerance inherited enviromental factors

7 Pathological features
Renal affection Acute necrotizing vasculitis Skin invovement (malar rash) Joint affection CNS involvement splenomegaly Serofibrinous pericarditis and pleurisy Heart involvement

8 SLE: Malar Rash

9 SLE: vasculitis

10 Spleen: Periarteriolar fibrosis (onion skinning)

11 Clinical manifestation Laboratory investigations
Diagnosis Clinical manifestation Laboratory investigations +ve Serum ANA Urine analysis Renal biopsy Serum complement

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