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Inventor: George Eastman.

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1 Inventor: George Eastman

2 Intro In this PowerPoint I will be talking about George Eastman and his invention, the Kodak roll film camera.

3 Important dates Born on July 12 1854 Moved to Rochester in 1860
By 1880 he had invented and patented the dry-plate coating machine launched first Kodak camera in 1888 Died on march

4 Major accomplishments
Created the dry-plate coating machine Launched fledgling photography company in 1880 Patented a film holding device in 1885 Invented the Kodak camera Invented the brownie camera

5 Facts about his life Diagnosed with an incurable spinal disease
Committed suicide Never married Enthusiastic art collector Avid cyclist

6 Kodak Film Roll camera

7 The first Kodak roll film camera was released in 1888
When was it invented The first Kodak roll film camera was released in 1888

8 How was it discovered George planned to take a trip to Santo Domingo and was going to document his trip. He purchased all the equipment but ended up not going on his vacation. Instead he became interested in making photography equipment easier to use for amateur photographers Working out of his mothers kitchen, Eastman formulated a gelatin-based paper film and a device for coating dry plates In 1888 Eastman constructed a new small and simple camera that was meant for amateur photographers who didn’t want to bother with chemicals and technical processes.

9 How does it work The Kodak had no exposure counter, only a marker that indicated when enough film was wound for the next exposure The Kodak produced a round picture of 2.5 inch diameter Unlike earlier cameras that used a glass-plate negative for each exposure, the Kodak came preloaded with a 100-exposure roll of flexible film. 

10 How did this invention/inventor revolutionize photography
“Thanks to Eastman’s inventive genius, anyone could take pictures with a handheld camera simply by pressing a button. He made photographers of us all.” Eastman revolutionized the world of photography by making the action of taking pictures easy. Before Eastman, photography equipment was expensive, large, and inconvenient. But after the Kodak camera, photography became much simpler and more people were able to do it, introducing the new idea of amateur photography.

11 Conclusion The inventor of the “Kodak roll film camera”, George Eastman, was born in the year 1854 and while working out of his mothers kitchen, invented and patented the dry-plate coating machine. He committed suicide in 1932 after being diagnosed with an incurable spinal disease. He also invented the Kodak camera and the brownie camera. The Kodak camera was first released in 1888 and was made to be easy and convenient for amateur photographers. This changed the world of photography forever.

12 Works cited

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