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Intro Bio Lecture 2 Announcements:

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1 Intro Bio Lecture 2 Announcements:
Recitations start on Monday, Sept. 11; times will be posted ~soon Exams will be in afternoon, but there will be multiple start times. Office hours: LAC: T Th 1-2pm (912 Fairchild) DM: T Th 1:30-2:30 pm (Mudd 744D or 744E)

2 1. What’s an E. coli cell? What is it made of? Polysaccharides,
Lipids, Nucleic Acids, Proteins, Small molecules 2. How do we get those chemicals starting with minimal medium?  From glucose, via biosynthetic chemical reactions (= metabolism). 3. Where does the energy for this process come from?  From glucose, via energy metabolism. 4. Where does E. coli get the information for doing all this?  it's hard-wired in its DNA. large molecules (macromolecules) organic chemicals small molecules

3 Flow of glucose in E. coli
Macromolecules Polysaccharides Lipids Nucleic Acids Proteins mono- mers biosynthetic pathway intermediates glucose Each arrow is a specific chemical reaction. Each chemical reaction is catalyzed by a different enzyme. Each enzyme is a protein.

4 Exponential growth generation 1 generation 2
Observe: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. so, number of cells = 2generations

5 N =No10k10*t, log(N/No) =k10*t; if t=tD, N/No=2: k10=log(2)/tD= 0.3/tD
Exponential growth For a more detailed explanation, see handout on exponential growth. N = 1 x 2g N = 100 x 2g N = No x 2g g = t/tD where tD = the doubling time, or generation time. N = No2t/tD define k 1/tD, then N = No2kt One can change the base of the exponential relation: N = Noeke*t, ln(N/No) = ke*t; if N/No=2, t=tD: ke= ln(2)/tD =0.69/tD N =No10k10*t, log(N/No) =k10*t; if t=tD, N/No=2: k10=log(2)/tD= 0.3/tD and k2 = 1/tD, as above 5

6 Growth of E. coli (generation time of 1 hour, initial cell number = 1)
Number of Cells Time (hours)

7 Growth of E. coli (generation time of 1 hour, initial cell number = 1)
A semi-log plot Growth of E. coli (generation time of 1 hour, initial cell number = 1) logN 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 log(N/No) = k10t Number of Cells 1 5 10 15 20 25 Time (hours) N=No10k t N/No = 10k t log(N/No) = k10t 10

8 E. coli cultures in real life
“stationary” phase Log of cell number Exponential growth: “log” phase (linear on a semi-log plot) “lag” phase Time Note: The cells do not have to be dividing synchronously to generate these curves, and usually are not. We are just seeing the average for the whole population.

9 our first “functional group”:
The molecules of E. coli: what needs to be made or provided Molecule #1: water water H2O HOH our first “functional group”: hydroxyl, -OH 105o . O H Covalent bond (strength = ~100 kcal/mole, the energy required to break the bond) water molecule hydrogen atom oxygen

10 δ+ = partial charge, not quantified NOT “ + ” , a full unit charge,
as in the formation of ions by NaCl in solution: NaCl  Na+ + Cl- The O-H bond is a polar bond (partial charge separation) Water is a POLAR molecule (has 2 opposite poles) Negative pole Positive pole So, a “dipole”

11 180o hydrogen bond (3 kcal/mole)

12 Ethanol (CH3—CH2—OH) and water

13 Amide group R = any group of atoms (the rest of the molecule)
Note: carbon atoms always make 4 bonds R-CONH2 is an “amide”, CONH2 is an amide group (another functional group) Note: Don’t think of the amide as a C=O and an –NH2; the whole thing is one functional group, the amide. It is highly polar but with no full charges

14  NH2 Some functional groups
glucosamine acrylamide O O-H | | | C glucose | CH2 | Some functional groups The structures and names and properties of the functional groups that we use in class must be memorized. CH2 | H2N C COOH | | | H glutamic acid

15 Hydrogen bonds between 2 organic molecules
ethanol, an alcohol an amide But they face formidable competition from water And: weak bonds are ephemeral.

16 Octane, a non-polar, or apolar, molecule
CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 H—C—C—C—C—C—C—C—C—H | H Note the absence of d’s X no interactions with water

17 Chemical bonds Bond: Energy needed to break: Comments: Strength Classification: Covalent ~100 kcal/mole Electrons shared strong 1 calorie = amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water (1 cc or ml of water) one degree C 1 Calorie = dietary calorie = 1000 calories 1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 1000 calories

18 Chemical bonds Bond: Energy needed to break: Comments:
Strength Classification: Covalent ~100 kcal/mole Electrons shared strong Hydrogen ~3 Water-water; Organic-water; Organic-organic (having polar functional groups) weak

19 Ionic Bonds Full loss or capture of an electron H
Full charge separation Full positive charge, or full negative charge (= charge of one electron) E.g. NaCl = Na+:::Cl Strong bond between the ions in a crystal (e.g., rock salt, solid) But: weak in aqueous solution: water surrounds the ions So the ionic bond of NaCl becomes weak in water Is the bond between an Na+ ion and water ionic or an H-bond? Some characteristics of each: a “polar interaction” or an “ion-dipole interaction” H O Na+

20 Organic ions = acids and bases
ACIDS = carboxylic acids Lose a proton O O || || R-C-OH  R-C-O H+ (net charge ≈ -1 at pH 7) Example: acetic acid: CH3-COOH BASES = amines Gain a proton R-NH2 + H R-NH3+ (net charge ≈ +1 at pH 7) Example: amphetamine: Carboxyl group = -COOH Amine group = -NH2 Where does the base get the proton from? Are there any protons around in water at pH7?

21 Ionic bonds O || R–C–O- - - - - - +H3N–R O | | Weak, ~ 5 kcal/mole.
Under the right conditions (to be seen later), two oppositely charged organic ions can form an ionic bond: O || R–C–O H3N–R Weak, ~ 5 kcal/mole. But all these weak bonds are VERY important for biological molecules, as we will see later O | |

22 Functional groups Again: The names, chemical structures and properties of the functional groups used in this course must be memorized, as well as their characteristics. See the Functional Groups handout. Those are the ones to be memorized. This is one of very few memorizations required. “carboxyl” Me You O || -- ─C─O _ O | |

23 Chemical bonds Bond: Energy needed to break: Comments:
Strength Classification: Covalent ~100 kcal/mole Electrons shared strong Hydrogen ~3 Water-water; Organic-water; Organic-organic (having polar functional groups) weak Ionic ~5 Full charge transfer; Can attract H-bond; Strong in crystal weak

24 Van der Waals interactions
Can form between ANY two atoms that approach each other “Fluctuating induced dipole” Very weak (~ 1 kcal/m) Effective ONLY at very close range (1Å) (0.1 nm) first molecule chance charge separation fluctuating dipole a second molecule charge separation induced by first molecule

25 Chemical Bonds Bond: Energy needed to break: Comments:
Strength Classification: Covalent ~100 kcal/mole Electrons shared strong Hydrogen ~3 Water-water; Organic-water; Organic-organic (having polar functional groups) weak Ionic ~5 Full charge transfer; Can attract H-bond; Strong in crystal weak Van der Waals ~1 Fluctuating induced dipole; close range only weak Why are we doing all this now?

26 Octane (C8H18) H H—C—C—C—C—C—C—C—C—H CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3
| H CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 Electro-negativities of C and H are ~ equal No partial charge separation Non-polar (apolar), cannot H-bond to water, = “hydrophobic” Contrast: polar compounds = “hydrophilic”

27 Entropy 8 Octane in water octane
Number of water molecules that are relatively ordered: 8 Octane in water octane water (These numbers are made up.)

28 Entropy 8 + 8 = 16 vs. 10 vs. Water has less entropy vs. more entropy.
Number of water molecules that are relatively ordered: 8 + 8 = vs octane vs. water Water has less entropy vs more entropy.

29 Entropy drives aggregation of nonpolar molecules
ENTROPY: related to the number of different states possible: more states, more entropy. Systems tend to change to maximize entropy (max. no. of different states possible to occupy; occupy as many states as possible). The water molecules around the non-polar molecule have a LOWER entropy (fewer choices, more ordered). Aggregation of the non-polar molecules with each other minimizes the number of lower entropy water molecules that are on their surface, thus maximizing the entropy of the system.

30 Number of water molecules that are relatively ordered:
8 + 8 = vs octane vs. water Admittedly, the non-polar octane molecules lose entropy when they coalesce. That is, they are more disordered when they are separate. However, this loss of entropy apparently* cannot counteract the gain in entropy of the system brought about by the freeing up of water molecule from the “cage” around the non-polar molecules. * Gasoline and water do not mix.

31 Water cages around an apolar molecule 2 artists’ depictions
water molecules released into bulk solution H-bonds nonpolar substance highly ordered water molecules hydrophobic aggregation lower entropy higher entropy

32 Chemical Bonds Bond: Energy needed to break: Comments:
Strength Classification: Covalent ~100 kcal/mole Electrons shared strong Hydrogen ~3 Water-water; Organic-water; Organic-organic (having polar functional groups) weak Ionic ~5 Full charge transfer; Can attract H-bond; Strong in crystal weak Van der Waals ~1 Fluctuating induced dipole; close range only weak Hydrophobic forces ~3 Not a bond per se; entropy driven; only works in water weak

33 Large vs. small molecules
≥ ~5000 daltons Called macromolecules Examples: proteins, polysaccharides, DNA, polypropylene, polyester SMALL ≤ ~500 daltons (~ 50 atoms) Called small molecules Size differences are rough, there are gray areas Examples: water, ethanol, glucose, acetic acid, glutamic acid, amphetamine, glucosamine, acrylamide, acetamide, octane, NaCl

34 Polymers Propylene CH3-CH=CH2
Polypropylene, a polymer, a large molecule

35 Large molecules are built up from small molecules
One possibility: Poly ?

36 Or from many different small molecules?

37 Linear polymers in biology
A great simplification: Large molecules are linear polymers of small molecules. O-O-O-O-O-O-O- ………

38 Nomenclature for polymers
monomer O-O dimer O-O-O trimer O-O-O-O tetramer O-O-O-O-O-O-O oligomer a monomer of the polymer O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O oligomer polymer:

39 4 categories of macromolecules
polysaccharides, lipids,  nucleic acids, and proteins. Many (not all) important cellular small molecules are the monomer constituents of these polymers. There’s only about 50 of these monomers, a small number to learn about. About another dozen important small molecules are not monomers of polymers. Mostly vitamins, whose role will become apparent later.

40 Monomers and polymers How does E. coli get these monomers Example 1
Macromolecule: polysaccharide A monomer found in polysaccharides is glucose: Present in our minimal medium No problem. ) glucose

41 Getting the monomers Example 2:
Macromolecule: protein Monomer: amino acids One example amino acid at right = alanine Looks nothing like glucose Where does E. coli get alanine? CH3 C H2N COOH H

42 E. coli makes all the monomers by biochemical transformations starting from glucose
H2N C COOH H glucose glucose →A → B→C →D →E →alanine →protein A, B, C, D, E, are “intermediates”: i.e., intermediate chemical structures (molecules) between glucose and alanine.


44 Very rough estimate of the total number of different small molecules in an E. coli cell:
50 monomers 15 non-monomer important small molecules (e.g., like vitamins) 65 total “end products” Average pathways to monomers and important small molecules starting from glucose: = ~ 10 steps, so ~9 intermediates per pathway Must be 65 such pathways  65 x 9 = 585 intermediates 65 end-products intermediates = 650 total types of small molecules per E. coli cell A manageable number, and we ~know them all

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