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Relating to Technology By Paul Sainsbury

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Presentation on theme: "Relating to Technology By Paul Sainsbury"— Presentation transcript:

1 Relating to Technology By Paul Sainsbury
Consumer behaviour Relating to Technology By Paul Sainsbury

2 Where I want us to go. General Overview Various Buyers Market Trends
The Spread of Computers & the consequences of that Influences on Consumer Behaviour

3 A General Overview User “Power” User Status Entertainment

4 The “Status” Buyer Why? Background? How Frequently?
How do they Decide? Status

5 The “User” Buyer Why? Background? How Frequently? How do they Decide?

6 The “‘Power’ User” Buyer
Why? Background? How Frequently? How do they Decide? “Power” User

7 The “Entertainment” Buyer
Why? Background? How Frequently? How do they Decide? Entertainment

8 A General Overview User “Power” User Status Entertainment

9 Market Trends Moore’s Law: “the power of computers will double every two years” New applications are thought of quickly Many products on the market Current products also are outdated quickly

10 The spread of Computers
Started as research & government projects Used as “number crunchers” Moved into Business Finally into the Home Similar example: Cellphones Attitude towards both Cellphones and computers have changed from a luxury to a common item. Cellphones, I believe are becoming a necessity (in terms of security, business contactability, etc), while computers have a bit to go. (eg Top managers don’t need computers… but they often need cellphones…)

11 Consequences Objective decisions are complex
Information gathering for the decisions is difficult Why buy now when in a year I can get more? “Why buy now?” “Buy now & continually upgrade” “Buy now and wait until it becomes unusable, and buy again.” “Don’t buy at all”

12 Consumer Characteristics
Influences in CB Marketing Stimuli Product Price Place Promotion Buyer’s Response Product Choice Brand Choice Dealer Choice Timing Amount Decision Making Social Influences Consumer Characteristics Psychological Set Lincoln University, Marketing and Management Program

13 Influences in CB Social Influences Culture Social Class
Reference Group Social Influences

14 Influences in CB Social Influences Culture Social Class
Reference Group Social Influences Two Extremes and an In-between Traditional/Structured Net/”Gen X”/Chaos Combination

15 Influences in CB Social Influences Culture Social Class
Reference Group Social Influences Education & Age? Educated/Self-Educated Higher income earners Students

16 Influences in CB Social Influences Culture Social Class
Reference Group Social Influences The “old” vs The “new” Peers Family Religion Net/Online

17 Influences in CB Psychological Set Needs & Motives Perception
Beliefs & Attributes Psychological Set

18 Influences in CB Psychological Set Needs & Motives Perception
Beliefs & Attributes Psychological Set Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Self-Actualisation Needs Esteem Needs (recognition, status) Social Needs (love, belonging) Safety Needs (security, protection) Physiological Needs (hunger, thirst)

19 Influences in CB Psychological Set Needs & Motives Perception
Beliefs & Attributes Psychological Set Technology is our Saviour/Destroyer? “Technology makes life easier” “Technology is a tool of the devil” “We can never have enough technology” “To much technology is a bad thing”

20 Influences in CB Psychological Set Needs & Motives Perception
Beliefs & Attributes Psychological Set Similar to Perception?

21 Consumer Characteristics
Influences in CB Demographics Personality Lifestyle Consumer Characteristics

22 Consumer Characteristics
Influences in CB Demographics Personality Lifestyle Consumer Characteristics White, Upper Income, English, “Middle” aged 30% Female - 70% Male Average age = 33 years (35 in 1998) 70% English, 27% Afrikaans, 3% “Other” Average Income = R per month

23 Consumer Characteristics
Influences in CB Demographics Personality Lifestyle Consumer Characteristics Intravert/Extravert? Social life on PC, or off PC? Logical/Structured mind?

24 Consumer Characteristics
Influences in CB Demographics Personality Lifestyle Consumer Characteristics Wide variety Depends on user type

25 Consumer Characteristics
Influences in CB Marketing Stimuli Product Price Place Promotion Buyer’s Response Product Choice Brand Choice Dealer Choice Timing Amount Decision Making Social Influences Consumer Characteristics Psychological Set Lincoln University, Marketing and Management Program

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