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Steven A. Hankins, MD, MPH, MTS Lovedhi Aggarwal, MD

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1 The Integration of Tai Chi For Falls Prevention into a Family Medicine Residency Curriculum
Steven A. Hankins, MD, MPH, MTS Lovedhi Aggarwal, MD Department of Family Medicine and Community Health (DFMCH), John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM), University of Hawaii (UH), Mililani, HI 96789

2 Disclosures A portion of Dr. Hankins salary is provided by a Hawaii Department of Health Grant for the development of a trauma curriculum for the UH Family Medicine Residency Program. Dr. Hankins is a certified Tai Chi for Health Institute instructor for Tai Chi for Arthritis/Fall Prevention . To date he has not charge for any classes, but could potential do so in the future. Dr. Aggarwal has no relevant financial disclosures. We will not be discussing any off label use of any FDA approved medications or devices. 

3 Objectives On completion of this session, the participants will be able to correctly identify the basic epidemiological data related to falls among the elderly in the United States. identify the main findings from one or more of the studies in the literature which examined the utility of tai chi exercises for fall prevention. identify at least two key elements for a successful tai chi based fall preventions program.













16 Aust N Z J Public Health. 2012 Jun;36(3):241-8.
doi: /j x. Epub 2012 Jan 2. The cost-effectiveness of falls prevention interventions for older community-dwelling Australians. Church J, Goodall S, Norman R, Haas M. CONCLUSION: In the general population, compared with no intervention the ICERs were tai chi ($44,205), group-based exercise ($70,834), multiple interventions ($72,306), home exercise ($93,432), multifactorial interventions with only referral ($125,868) and multifactorial interventions with an active component ($165,841). The interventions were ranked by cost in order to exclude dominated interventions (more costly, less effective) and extendedly dominated interventions (where an intervention is more costly and less effective than a combination of two other interventions). Tai chi remained the only cost-effective intervention for the general population.

17 Hawaii DOH Trauma Curriculum Development Grant
$200,000 Grant to UCERA for the Department of Family Medicine to Develop Trauma Curriculum for the Family Medicine Physicians 2 years (Feb 2012 – Feb 2014); 1 yr $100,000 Feb , and again Feb Funds both faculty and administrative support staff positions, training, and materials Curriculum must address trauma prevention, management, and rehabilitation DOH= Department of Health


19 Discloser notification: Dr
Discloser notification: Dr. Hankins could potentially derive income in the future from activities as a certified Tai Chi for Health Institute Instructor.

20 Curricular Interventions
Falls identified as one o focus areas for grant curriculum Epidemiology of Falls and efficacy of Tai Chi reviewed via didactics CDC STEADI Toolkit based presentation for falls prevention Training and implementation of Get Up and Go testing in clinic Introductory experiential 2 hour initial training session with Master Trainer in Tai Chi

21 Plans for further implementation
Begin Twice weekly 30 minute Tai Chi sessions for residents, faculty, and staff Identify faculty, staff, and at least 1 resident per class interested in pursuing Instructor Certification Training Provide DVDs for Home Training prior to certification course Complete 2 day Certification Training Implement Falls Prevention Group visits with Tai Chi for at risk patients twice weekly for 6 week periods

22 Opportunities for Further Research
Efficacy of program over 1 year for falls rate among patients Measures of uptake of training amongst residents. Post graduation continuation of practice and teaching of Tai Chi for falls prevention Impact on staff, faculty, resident, and patient satisfaction and well being. Many others….

23 Please share your: Questions Comments Thoughts Suggestions

24 Mahalo & Aloha

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