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LIU-PSB Status and Outlook

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2 LIU-PSB Status and Outlook
G.P. Di Giovanni, G. Guidoboni, K. Hanke, B. Mikulec and the LIU-PSB Working Group TABLE of CONTENTS: LIU-PSB Scope Ongoing LIU-PSB Activities during EYETS 2016/2017 Linac4-to-PSB Readiness Connection Half Sector Test Other Activities and Plans Beyond 2017 Cost & Schedule Review Conclusions LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

3 LIU-PSB Upgrade Scope Upgrade of PSB rings and
Upgrade of PSB injection from 50 MeV protons to 160 MeV H- with increased Intensity Upgrade of PSB rings and extraction/transfer from 1.4 GeV to 2.0 GeV Ekin =50 MeV  160 MeV from Linac4 to PS Ekin =1.4 GeV  2 GeV Increasing injection energy from Linac4 and new injection scheme: Higher injection energy (160 MeV) leads to increased brightness. H- injection, essentially loss free and allows to tailor emittances. Increasing PSB extraction energy (2 GeV): Reduces space charge effects at PS injection. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

4 LIU-PSB Activities: EYETS 2016/2017
Destination PS New prototype wire scanner BWS in R3 (4L1) New beam loss monitors Fast Ionization Chambers 4 New current monitors (BR.TMD) with renovated windings and electronics (8L1) New wideband electrostatic pick-up BPM (BTP.BPMW15) Renovate electronics for 4 current transformers BR.BCTDC (section 9) New ring trajectory measurement system PSB-TMS Enlargement of the shaft Replace Screen Monitor BTV (BTP.BTV10) Exchange Septum SMH (15L1) New kicker KSW (16L1) LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

5 (De-)Cabling LIU DEC 50.4% 49.6%
About 2900 new cables to be installed for LIU. No more space for cable trays: de-cabling must be ensured first! Cable clean-up in stages: 2014/15: identification of obsolete cables - Done YETS 2015/16: disconnection of obsolete cables - Done EYETS 2016/17: 10 weeks of cables removal - Ongoing activity with BE-OP’s support. Following the 2015 Cost&Schedule review recommendations. About 2.5 weeks allocated for installation of new cables: Follow a priority list based on the relevance of the equipment to perform beam measurements. All remaining requests needed for Linac4 connection will be ready for execution! New replace remove LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

6 Early Linac4-to-PSB Connection
Mandate: All equipment for injection of 160 MeV H- ions from Linac4 must be ready by end 2016 to allow for Linac4 connection in the event of a undesired long LHC shutdown. Initiation of the plan: Serious incident in the LHC, requiring of order 6 months (or more) to repair and re-hardware commission. NOT a Linac2 failure scenario, which could be replaced by Linac4 for 50 MeV operations. Steps required for the early Linac4-to-PSB Connection: Full 160 MeV connection, including H- charge-exchange injection. Protons extracted at PSB still at 1.4 GeV → Produce beams as in operation today! Crucial impact on planning, resource allocation. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

7 Early Linac4-to-PSB Connection
Readiness review in August 2016 ( Items to closely follow up, as identified at the time of the review: Chicane magnets transformers alcove → In progress: Ready in the course of 2017. Turn-by-turn matching monitor → Desirable, not mandatory. Ready in YETS 2017/2018. Tune Pickup → Ready by Q Handling tool for the injection region → Tool complicated. By the end of 2016 TE-ABT provided a mock-up area assembly to test the equipment installation in IR. Ready for L4 connection. Integrate the vacuum acceptance tests in the planning of components → Part of coordination activities. Items to closely follow up, as identified after the review: TE-ABT equipment (distributor, vertical septum, chicane magnets) which will be ready for installation by June 2017. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

8 Early Linac4-to-PSB Connection
Summary of the Readiness Review: PSB ready for an early 160 MeV H- injection by mid 2017: Readiness delay in few equipment. Still compatible with the earliest available date for readiness set for Spring 2017. The connection will require a lot of work in radioactive areas. Large amount of co-activity and interdependencies. Reduced commissioning time of the equipment in lab. Half Sector Test (HST) is a crucial milestone to reduce technical and planning risks for installation and commissioning of the future PSB injection chicane. Need for a reliability run of Linac4 from CCC by BE/OP. Current schedule allocates 9 months from “go-ahead” to delivery of first beam. 6 months for installation + 3 months for commissioning. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

9 Half-Sector Test (HST) and Stripping Foil Test Stand
Installed in Linac4 during summer 2016 Stripping foil system Chicane magnets + H0/H- dump Temporary dump Stripping Foil Test Stand + diagnostics, vacuum eq. … Linac4 LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

10 HST: Installation Aim Reduce technical and planning risks for installation and commissioning of the future PSB injection chicane during LS2. Outcome without beam: Discovered few design/fabrication issues → mitigation measures implemented. Experience in assembling chicane magnets and attaching fragile foils on frames. Vacuum acceptance issues of the foil loader → need for dedicated ‘under vacuum’ storage units and transport boxes of spare/exchange loaders Permanent installation of stripping foil test stand in Linac4 line to Linac4 dump: Study of different foil types/materials/thicknesses & handling. Evaluation of foil holder, beam instrumentation, interlocks, controls, applications. Stepping motor Magnetic coupling Mirrors and Optical Filters Beam Observation System (BTV) Foil Changer Vacuum Chamber Beam Radiation Hard Camera LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

11 HST and Stripping Foil Test Stand: First Beam
Stripping foil test stand: First beam on 13th of October 2016 HST: First 160 MeV H- beam on 26th of October 2016 view screen stripping foil ~60 MeV, 100 μs long, 6 mA H- beam from Linac4 FIRST BEAM! BCT downstream stripping foil after steering protons H- BCT upstream stripping foil LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

12 HST: First Outcome with Beam
Improved handling and procedures  should reduce installation and repair times for PSB. A lot of effort went into preparing/improving controls and applications for Linac4 and HST  should reduce commissioning time for connection: Run from CCC. Advancement to work with different cycles to reduce dependency on Linac4 commissioning (ongoing). Debugging/improvement of beam instrumentation (ongoing): First signals on H0/H- and stripping foil current monitor. Implementation of new interlock after 2 foil breakages. Improvement of chicane power supply precision (ongoing). Most interlocks implemented and functional, pre-chopper controls changes. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

13 HST: Open Points Linac4 pulse stability issues need to be solved to allow HST precision measurements: Phase/current/position instabilities along the pulse. Energy instabilities from pulse-to-pulse. Chopping not 100% effective  LEBT and MEBT re-alignment during EYETS. Beam instrumentation issues: Beam Current Transformers: >100% transmission upstream of Linac4 dump/HST. New version of H0/H- monitor electronics (interlocks and noise reduction). Monitoring of the stripping foil current. Check cabling of diamond beam loss monitor. Linac4 100 μs pulse at BPM after PIMS (L4T.BPM.227) Phase [deg] Current [A] Horizontal Position [mm] Vertical Time: 1 sample = ns LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

14 HST: Plans for 2017 Planning:
HST and Test Stand run from February to end of March. Dismantling of HST beginning of April to install debuncher. Measurement Program in 2017: Aperture scans with different optics. Chicane optimization. Improved stripping efficiency measurements with BCTs and H0/H- monitor for different foils and optics. Sensitivity measurements of beam instrumentation. High-intensity measurements: Interlock thresholds. Stripping foil temperature measurement. Destructive measurements with foils. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

15 Building ready for POPS-B installation
POPS-B Building 245 POPS-B Building 245 Completed New building 245 to host the new main power supply system (POPS-B) and new reference magnet completed in mid 2016. New building 245 to host the new main power supply system (POPS-B) and new reference magnet. Converter hall False floor Loading platform Building ready for POPS-B installation January 2016 as presented in Chamonix LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

16 Lessons from POPS Incidents
Faults affected POPS operation during 2016 resulting in either stops or operations in degraded mode. POPS-B will be a very similar system with the same technological choices. Problems understood and mitigation being implemented. Structural changes in B245 for the capacitor room to enhance the safety of the operations. Additional 4 months for the design of the power converters. Despite the re-arrangement of the schedule for POPS-B, the overall project is still on time as margin was accounted in the original schedule. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

17 RF System Large longitudinal emittance LHC25ns type beam, longitudinally blown up from 1.3 eVs to 2.8 eVs. Voltage functions and beam intensity for NORMHRS, with Finemet® cavity. In 2016 reliability run with the Finemet® cavity replacing the second harmonic system for high intensity ISOLDE beams. During EYETS 2016/2017 work to improve the operational settings of the current prototype system. Optimizations of the longitudinal blow up of the beam to reduce space-charge at PS injection are being studied with encouraging results. Test for control h=1+2+3 at capture in the PSB to flatten the bunch and mitigate space-charge for high intensity beams. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

18 Other Activities Item/Activity Status BI Beam Stoppers
Beam stoppers will be removed at the time of the L4 connection, not replaced. The access procedure will be adapted to comply with safety rules. Cooling and Ventilation Separation of the TT2 cooling from the PSB. Cost neutral for LIU. B-Train System FIRESTORM prototype being installed in EYETS 2016/2017. PSB RF Bypasses PS RF bypasses maybe enough for LIU-PSB: To be tested after EYETS 2016/2017. Recombination Kickers Work ongoing to evaluate the rise time to meet LIU specifications. One KFA10 tank with 4 upgraded magnets to be built. Present KFA20 to be reconfigured to minimise risks of flashover. Remaining activities on track and in procurement phase. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

19 LIU-PSB Activities: YETS 2017/2018
Destination PS New SEMGrid (4L1 ring 3) New Tune pick-up BPM (3L1) LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

20 LIU-PSB Activities: LS2
Destination PS PSB Injection Systems: New Injection bending (BHZ INJ) New Distributor (BI.DIS10) New Septa (BI.SMV10) Relocate beam instrumentation (BI.BTV30) Consolidation (x16) and energy increase (x9) related new magnets. PSB Extraction and Transfer: New BHZ EXT New septum (BT.SMV10 and BT.SMV20) Relocate beam instrumentation (BT.BTV30) New kicker (BT.KFA10) Energy increase related new magnets x17 New Absorber/Scraper New PSB Injection Region Remove the current sector (1L1) New H- charge exchange injection systems New extraction kicker (BEr.KFA14L1) New Wire Scanner x4 (11L1) New RF bypasses Laminated side plate on bending (BHZ MAIN) Parallel shunt resistors on quadrupoles (QDE, QFO) and bending (BHZ MAIN) magnets Transverse Feedback New interlock system PSB extraction to PS Under studies: Change of the BTP beam stopper New vacuum window before the PSB Dump New finemet cavities BR2&4.C02 7L1 BRr.C04 13L1 BR.C16.5L1 New Wire Scanner x3 (4L1) Replace kicker KSW (16L4) Move kicker KSW (from 16L4 to 2L1) LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

21 Cost & Schedule Review in 2016
The cost and schedule of LIU has been reviewed in October 2016, 18 months after the previous review in 2015, The cost estimates are based on existing equipment and are well founded. The cost and schedule risks for the defined scope are low. Manpower to be added to allow the project to stay on schedule, in particular for RF and beam dynamics support. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

22 Conclusions The LIU-PSB project is now in full execution phase:
Procurement, manufacturing, installation, ramping up the expenses. Project well on track, no changes to its baseline during 2016. PSB ready for an early Linac4-to-PSB connection by mid 2017. The Half Sector Test is a crucial milestone and it is proving to be beneficial. Other important milestones met or will be met during the EYETS 2016/2017 with many important LIU activities taking place in the machine. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

23 LHC Performance Workshop 23-26 January 2017

24 POPS Experience Feedback on POPS-B
History of the problems in 2016: Couple of short circuits in the DC1 power converters at the beginning resulting POPS to operate in degraded mode. At the end of April 2016, while restarting the POPS from degraded mode to full operational mode, one capacitor was short circuited causing a short circuit of all capacitors in the storage bank, releasing a lot of energy. Explosion in one of the POPS containers The experience with POPS directly impacted the planning of POPS-B. POPS mitigation measures: Different capacitor design for POPS. Additional proposal to separate the capacitors such that they add fusing elements to reduce the released energy in case of a similar fault. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

25 Preliminary Harmonic=1+2+3 in PSB
Courtesy of S. Albright Preliminary simulations (without space charge): Preliminary Not directly comparable (power is different), but it seems to go in the right direction Smaller bucket height More rectangular LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

26 Magnets, LIU-PSB Activities
Item/Activity Status BI.BVT (4 magnets) Ready for L4 connection Booster injection corrector magnets Main BHZ magnets (2 yokes & 4 coils set) On track for LS2 Main BHZ shimming and saturation Main BHZ cooling mods Damping resistors needed: To be installed in YETS 2017/2018 Quadrupole Magnets BT&BTP Booster extraction corrector magnets BT.BHZ10 & BTM.BHZ10 LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

27 TE-ABT Injection Line Item/Activity Status BI.DIS10 (Distributor)
Magnets tested New coil for heat dissipation reduction Control ready by June 2017 BI.SMV10 (Vertical Septum) Issue with bake-out. Aim is to have 1st tank completed by June 2017 BI.KSW (Painting Bump) Hardware ready for L4 connection Control ready for June 2017 BI.BSW (Chicane Magnet) Ready by June 2017 Stripping Foil System Ready for L4 connection LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

28 Extraction Line Item/Activity Status Extraction kicker KFA14L1
Spare being built; on track for LS2. Extraction septum SMH15L1 Completed. Installation in EYETS 2016/2017. Recombination septa Procurement phase; on track for LS2. Recombination kickers Work ongoing to evaluate the rise time to meet LIU specifications. One KFA10 tank with 4 upgraded magnets to be built. Present KFA20 to be reconfigured to minimise risks of flashover. Magnets On track for LS2. Power Converters Beam Instrumentation BLM, screens, wideband PU to installed in EYETS 2016/2017. Other activities on track. Design of the Transfer Line Optics regularly reviewed and integration updated whenever needed; on track for LS2. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

29 Recombination Kicker Rise Time
Clear specifications for (2-98%) rise time in LIU at 105 ns and 2% ripple. Measurement with search coil in YETS 2015/2016 reported: BT1,4.KFA10 measured rise time to be ~125 ns (outside LIU specs). BT2.KFA20 measured rise time to be ~95 ns (within LIU), but to be run at a very close breakdown voltage for 2 GeV operation. In 2016 several beam-based measurements performed: BT1,4.KFA10 measured to be ~105 ± 10 ns at Intensity of 200E10 ppp. BT2.KFA20 measured to be ~110 ± 10 ns at Intensity of 200E10 ppp. Measurements suggest that the current kickers would operate at the edge of the specification and would results in a 2% emittance blowup at PS inj. Possible solution identified in producing main switches: To be tested in lab. If successful, it will result in an additional cost for LIU-PSB. Proposal to re-cable BT2.KFA20 as BT1,4.KFA10 to reduce the risk of magnet breakdown. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

30 B-Train System Functional specifications being documented. Several topics still under discussion: Synthetic/simulated facilities, FEC architecture, decoupled White Rabbit interface, high-level CCC interface, long-term data logging, … Close interaction with TE-EPC to agree on the routing of the cables to the reference magnet. Agreed to install a FIRESTORM B-train prototype during EYETS 2016/2017: Provide magnetic diagnostics and allow testing the feedback to new LLRF system. Prove that both the old and new systems yield the same results with the very same sensors. New coils and cabling installation on the current reference magnet during EYETS 2016/2017: Feed independent signals to the new FIRESTORM prototype B-train chain. Get missing information: full integral field, fringe field, remnant field, internal rings. Additionally, ongoing discussion to sort out the best solution for the field control of the switching dipole BT.BHZ10. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

31 CONSolidation Item/Activity Status PSB Cooling Plant
Full renovation; on track for LS2. Cooling & Ventilation Separation of the TT2 cooling from the PSB (more logical architecture, more operational flexibility). Cost neutral for LIU. Rack Supports To address issues with safety and non-conformities; mostly done during the EYETS 2016/2017 Cable Clean Up Mandatory step for LIU; done during the EYETS 2016/2017 BTP.STP10 Requested budget from CONS; strongly endorsed by LIU (reliability issue). A number of high-cost CONS items (RF, Power) have been integrated in the LIU baseline at the beginning of the project. LHC Performance Workshop January 2017 LIU-PSB status and outlook Gian Piero Di Giovanni

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