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Project 1 Part E3 Programming PicoScope ---Looping--

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1 Project 1 Part E3 Programming PicoScope ---Looping--





6 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Apr 26 11:37: @author: Husain import subprocess def getMeasurements(): #read oscilloscope output = subprocess.check_output(['picoscope','/a','Measurements.CSV?']) #split the lines of the measurements output = output.split('\n') #define space space = " " #taking the index, and splitting according to comma channelA = output[1].split(",") channelB = output[2].split(",") #taking index, and splitting according to "space" channelA = channelA[2].split(space) channelB = channelB[2].split(space) #check the unit and apply if channelA[1]=="mV": channelA=float(channelA[0])*1E-3 elif channelA[1]=="V": channelA=float(channelA[0])*1 else: channelA=float(channelA[0])*1E-6 if channelB[1]=="mV": channelB=float(channelB[0])*1E-3 elif channelB[1]=="V": channelB=float(channelB[0])*1 channelB=float(channelB[0])*1E-6 return [channelA,channelB] def signalGenerator(amp,freq): #define input strings to input to cmd line amp_string = "picoscope /a Siggen.Amplitude.Value="+str(amp) freq_string = "picoscope /a Siggen.Frequency.Value="+str(freq),stdout=False),stdout=False) def timeBase(freq): #find ideal timebase time_base=1/float(freq)*5/10 #define time_index corellations time_index = [200E-9,500E-9,1E-6,2E-6,5E-6,10E-6,20E-6,50E-6,100E-6,200E-6,500E-6,1E-3,2E-3,5E-3,10E-3,20E-3,50E-3,100E-3] #find time index for command line for n in range(0,len(time_index)): if time_base<time_index[n]: break #write string to command line to change timebase time_base_string = "picoscope /a CollectionTime.SelectedIndex="+str(n+1),stdout=False) # define the frequency array # import numpy as np #Define frequency iteration values startFrequency = 39000 endFrequency = 41000 intervalFrequency = 10 intervals = (endFrequency-startFrequency)/intervalFrequency + 1 #Define frequency array frequencySpace = np.linspace(startFrequency,endFrequency,intervals) #Initialize output measurements ch1Voltage = np.linspace(startFrequency,endFrequency,intervals) ch2Voltage = np.linspace(startFrequency,endFrequency,intervals) impedance = np.linspace(startFrequency,endFrequency,intervals) # Iterate over frequencySpace and get meeasurements for n in range(0,len(frequencySpace)): signalGenerator(2,frequencySpace[n]) # set the function generator timeBase(frequencySpace[n]) # set the time base ch1Voltage[n] , ch2Voltage[n] = getMeasurements() # assign measurement impedance[n] = ch1Voltage[n] / (ch2Voltage[n]/325.0) # define impedance # Write the data to a CSV file head = "frequency (Hz), Ch1 Voltage, Ch2 Voltage,Impedance" np.savetxt("10kHzTO50kHzS100Hz.csv", np.transpose([frequencySpace,ch1Voltage,ch2Voltage,impedance]), delimiter=',', header=head) # Plot data from python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(frequencySpace,impedance) plt.yscale('log') #signalGenerator(0.2,80222) #timeBase(80222) #print getMeasurements() #signalGenerator(1.32,50E3)




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