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Starter for 5! Give three causes of war.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter for 5! Give three causes of war."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter for 5! Give three causes of war.
Give one reason why some Christians such as Roman Catholics are against embryo research? Give two qualities of God that Maximillian Kolbe can reveal? Explain one of the three ways in the First Cause Argument. Give one reason why some people argue we need suffering in the world.

2 Starter for 5! Give three causes of war. E.g. defend an ally, stop atrocities, gain power/money/land Give one reason why some Christians such as Roman Catholics are against embryo research? Life begins at the moment of conception so you are taking a life (thou shall not kill) Give two qualities of God that Maximillian Kolbe can reveal? All-compassionate, all-merciful Explain one of the three ways in the First Cause Argument. E.g. we see things moving, things don’t move by themselves, this chain of movement can’t go back into infinity, there must have been a starting movement to begin this, the unmoved mover is God. Give one reason why some people argue we need suffering in the world. Contrast, soul making, good can come out of it, to develop empathy and compassion.

3 Personal Responsibility Revision Lesson
Learning Objective: To revise key content and Christian teachings in the Personal Responsibility unit. I can define keywords from the Personal Responsibility unit. I can decide which quotes are relevant to key concepts in the unit. I can apply key quotes to exam questions.

4 Personal Responsibility
Sex and Relationships Drugs and Alcohol Why people take drugs The effects of drugs Christian Teachings on Drugs and Alcohol The Salvation Army Chastity and Celibacy Contraception Adultery Homosexuality

5 Personal Responsibility Keywords
Either: Play post it note scramble OR Keyword Bingo

6 Post It Note Scramble The class will be divided into 2 teams.
2 people from each side will come up and face away from the board. They will hear a definition of a keyword or quote from the unit. They then turn around and find the right post it note. The side with the most post it notes at the end win. For the keywords for the post it note use the ones on the next slide.

7 Draw a 3 x 3 grid and pick 9 words from the list below

8 Personal Responsibility Revision Lesson
Learning Objective: To revise key content and Christian teachings in the Personal Responsibility unit. I can define keywords from the Personal Responsibility unit. I can decide which quotes are relevant to key concepts in the unit. I can apply key quotes to exam questions.

9 Quotes of Relevance You will see a number of keywords from the unit and be given the key quotes. You will need to decide which quotes are relevant to which keyword – some will appear more than once!

10 Homosexuality Chastity Commitment Contraception Drugs and Alcohol
Hand out the A4 version of the key quotes with blu tac. They need to stick it up in the box they think this quote is relevant for. They will need to justify their choice.

11 Homosexuality Chastity Commitment Contraception Drugs and Alcohol

12 Personal Responsibility Revision Lesson
Learning Objective: To revise key content and Christian teachings in the Personal Responsibility unit. I can define keywords from the Personal Responsibility unit. I can decide which quotes are relevant to key concepts in the unit. I can apply key quotes to exam questions.

13 Apply these quotes! There are 4 past exam questions on your sheet. Underneath each one, you need to select at least 2 quotes that you could use to answer this question. You will need to explain why you have chosen this quote, i.e. Link it to the question.

14 Explain different Christian views on homosexuality . 6 marks.
‘All illegal drugs should remain illegal.’ Do you agree? 6 marks. Explain different Christian views about drinking alcohol. 6 marks. .Adultery cannot be forgiven.’ Do you agree? 6 marks.

15 ‘Christians should never smoke tobacco.’ Do you agree? 6 marks.
‘Christians should never have sex before marriage.’ What do you think? 3 marks Explain Christian attitudes to contraception. 4 marks ‘Homosexuality is a sin.’ Do you agree? 6 marks

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