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Regents Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Regents Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regents Review

2 Front Napoleon Back Assumes power after Reign of Terror Napoleonic Code Spreads Defeated by Russian Winter

3 Front Unification Of Italy Back My Cat Garfield Mazzini – Made Young Italy Movement Cavour – Capt Kick Out Austria Garibaldi – Great Soldier

4 Front Unification of Germany Back Otto Von Bizmark “Blood and Iron”

5 What is Pol Pot Associated with?
Communism Cambodia Kharma Rogue Genocide Killing Fields

6 Why did Bantu people migrate out of W. Africa in 1000 B.C.?
Climate and vegetation changes

7 What is associated with the golden age of Islam?
The concept of Zero The Handbook on Medicine

8 What is the most important piece of the Feudal/Manorial System?

9 Enlightenment Questioning the government

10 Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther 95 Thesis John Calvin Indulgences Split in Catholic Church

11 What are Lock, Montesquieu, and Rousseau associated with?
The Enlightenment Natural Rights

12 What was the result of the Berlin Conference?
Africa divided amongst European imperialist powers

13 Causes of the French Revolution
The 3 “E’s” Enlightenment Economy Examples (American and Glorious Rev)

14 Causes of WWI Maniac Militarism Alliances Nationalism Imperialism Assassination Chaos

15 Causes of WWII Alliances Treaty of Versailles Appeasement Harsh Reparations Japanese imperialism

16 Interdependence / globalization
Countries’ economies are intertwined European Union Euro NAFTA

17 Weimar Republic Weak government in place after WWI Poor economy led to the rise of the Nazi Party

18 Deng Xiaoping Four Modernizations Farming Industry Science and Tech Defense (Westernized the economy but did not improve people’s natural rights)

19 India and Pakistan Experienced migration of millions of people across their shared borders due to religious tensions. Millions were murdered

20 Mansa Musa Most powerful Musa leader strong army Converted to Isam

21 Renaissance Investigating areas of interest Fulfilling one’s potential

22 Mongols Genghis Kan Empire in Asia and Europe Pax Mangolia Encouraged concurred people to keep their culture Concurred Constantinople

23 Reasons to fight the Crusades
Escape feudal oppression Earn salvation from sins Recapture Holy Land

24 Taoism/Daoism One with nature Reject government and become a hermit Yin and yang

25 Legalism People are naturally evil and need strict rules to follow The need for order and organization is the greatest concern

26 Congress of Vienna Turn back the clock Return to absolutism

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