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Zell Miller Grant System Processing

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1 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
James Chiara Assistant Director of Financial Aid Gwinnett Technical College 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

2 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
How to award Zell Grant for the aid year How to Switch a student from HOPE to Zell (or Zell to HOPE) How to award Zell Grant Retroactively How TCSG and GSFC file uploads affect HOPE Eligibility How TCSG and GSFC file uploads affect data-load processing 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

3 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
How to award Zell Grant for the aid year RPEPCKG – Standard packaging like any other fund. Can use algorithms, but not required. RPRGFND – Attach fund code to packaging groups that are eligible to pay Zell funds. If using algorithms, attach here as well. RFRMGMT – Setup fund management options for fund. RORRULE – Create sql awarding and disbursement rules for fund. Setup will vary from school to school on RFRMGMT and RORRULE. 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

4 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
How to Switch a student from HOPE to Zell (or Zell to HOPE) Batch Posting Method GLBDATA – 2 population selections provided by TCSG ZHOTG_ADJUST ZHOTM_ADJUST RORPOST – RORBPST (Run the declines first if you are a loan school) 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

5 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
Common Errors Student changed program to associate degree Student on SAP (Run SAP for the previous term before doing this process) Exceeds Unmet Need (May have to reduce loans or work study) Grade Changes Should run this process again after grade changes and incompletes have been processed for the completed term I run the process monthly throughout the term to check for TCSG GPA updates from other schools 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

6 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
How to award Zell Grant Retroactively Batch Posting Method GLBDATA - 2 population selections provided by TCSG (Run these popsels with ROAINST set to term just completed) ZM_GRANT_RETRO_ELIG ZM_GRANT_RETRO_REVIEW RORPOST – RORBPST (Run this with ROAINST set to upcoming term) Run declines first if you are a loan school! 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

7 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
Retro Zell Common Errors – Student is still eligible! Student changed program to associate degree – Tweak Zell awarding rule on RORRULE to allow awarding on associate degree temporarily Student on SAP - Student is still eligible for retro Zell even if placed on SAP after the completion of the term Exceeds Unmet Need - May have to reduce loans or work study Grade Changes Should run this process again after grade changes and incompletes have been processed for the completed term I run the process monthly throughout the term to check for TCSG GPA updates from other schools 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

8 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
Summer Term Retro Zell Downside of batch posting method – cannot batch post on 1617 year using roainst for a term in 1718. Must temporarily tweak GPA requirement on awarding and/or disbursement rule on RORRULE to allow for this process to run. ZRVHGPA_GPA >= 3.5 becomes ZRVHGPA_GPA < 3.5 May not have to tweak RORRULE for associate degree changers because banner will still be looking at term just completed on ROAINST 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

9 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
How TCSG and GSFC file uploads affect HOPE Eligibility GAD File – GSFC Populates ZRAGSFC – paid hours, attempted hours ZRPGSFC to create the file to send to GSFC, load response file using ZRPGSFC The data in the file is current day. Not tied to an aid year or term in any way. Term code information that is entered into ZRPGSFC only determines what students are selected to be uploaded. 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

10 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
How TCSG and GSFC file uploads affect HOPE Eligibility TCSG GPA Download Populates banner screen ZRAGRNT Completely automated Student list generated every evening, uploaded to tcsg the next morning, and returned a few hours later Will grab students for a number of reasons determined by TCSG including: registration for upcoming term, admission for upcoming term, or grades being updated at the end of the term Cutoff date for the term is a few weeks after it starts, so mini-mesters must be requested manually on ZRPHPRC ZRACTRL determines when this process requests your grades, so ensure the date listed is after grades roll for your college 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

11 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
How TCSG and GSFC file uploads affect data-load processing These processes must be integrated into data-load and awarding procedures for college A student who is awarded before both their paid hours have been requested from GSFC, and their GPA has been dumped into your system from TCSG will not be awarded HOPE/Zell Grant Also affects students who change programs from associate to diploma as TCSG process does not upload students in associate degrees Recommend developing procedure to identify students who are HOPE eligible but do not have HOPE Grant on their account. Will also need a similar procedure for HOPE Career Grant 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

12 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
How TCSG and GSFC file uploads affect data-load processing Most important thing to remember is that you must request a GAD file for the upcoming term and load it back into banner before you change ROAINST and run RORGRPS and RPRPCKG for the first time on the new term. This will solve 90% of your problems regarding students not being awarded HOPE/Zell Grant Limitations of these processes: They only look for registered students for a term, or admitted students for a term. It is possible to have an older admittance term and be missed by the process, meaning these students will not be requested until they register for classes Solution: HOPE repackage process to look for enrolled students without HOPE since their GPA and/or Paid hours may not arrive until they are enrolled 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

13 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
How TCSG and GSFC file uploads affect data-load processing HOPE repackage process will look different for every school, but in essence it is popsels that look for everyone who should have HOPE, and subtracts everyone who has it awarded. It will be an extensive popsel or series of popsels Sample on the next slide is the primary portion of mine, but is highly tailored to my school and will have to be tweaked for use at another school 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

14 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

15 Zell Miller Grant System Processing
Questions and Answers Thank you for participating! 2017 GASFAA Fall Workshop

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