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Mrs. Taylor Course Website

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1 Mrs. Taylor Course Website
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS #1 Be Respectful #2 Be Responsible #3 Be Honest #4 Participate #5 Don’t Give Up Remember: Jaguar PRIDE Practice Standards Course Link Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Mrs. Taylor Course Website Required Materials Textbook Paper/Notebook Writing Utensil Graphing Calculator (TI-84 Plus Recommended) Grading Andover Central A B C D Below F Functions, Stats & Trig ROOM 903 Phone: ext Mrs. Taylor Homework will be assigned daily and will be due at the start of the next class period unless otherwise stated. Homework will be scored based on completion. 4 points will be given if 80% or more of the assignment is completed and 2 points if 50 to 80% of the assignment is completed. If no work is shown, no credit will be given. Homework Policy Retake Policy A student scoring less than 70% on a test is eligible to retake. A student may retake a maximum of two tests per semester. Student initiates desire to retake a test and submits a Request to Retest form. After a chapter test has been returned, the student has three (3) school days to submit the Request to Retest form and establish a date to retake the test. The maximum score given as the final grade for a test retake will be 70 %.

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