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Mr. Goerzen’s Classroom Rules and Class Information

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1 Mr. Goerzen’s Classroom Rules and Class Information
2014 – 2015 Fall Semester

2 1. Each day you will receive a participation grade of 5 points…
Points will be taken away for: Talking while the teacher is talking. Not working on the “task-at-hand”. Causing distractions. Forgetting supplies needed for class. Cleaning up before the teacher tells you too. Being tardy to class. Forgetting homework. Having incomplete assignments. Sleeping in class. Using electronic devices when you’re not suppose to. (more examples will be clarified as needed) *If you use up all 5 points in one day, points will be taken off of other daily participation grades from the same week!

3 2. No electronic devices (mainly cell phones or iPods) should be out from bell to bell…
To clarify: You must put away all electronic devices immediately (within 1 minute) after the first bell rings. You may not get out an electronic device until you walk out the classroom door at the end of the hour. Any electronic device that a student has out during class will immediately be confiscated. If an electronic device rings or beeps in class it will immediately be confiscated. Earphones left in or around the ear/s will be confiscated. (all confiscated devices will be turned in to the office) *Special exceptions will be made at the teachers convenience… for example, if we are working on individual classwork, electronic devices MAY be allowed for SOME students. However, you should have a playlist ready to go (if I see fingers moving on the device, it will be confiscated).

4 3. Classroom behavior must be acceptable for school…
School acceptable means: No cussing in class. No loud stories or conversations about drinking, drugs, parties, sex, fights, etc…. No negative comments towards others. *No damage to classroom chairs, desks, lab tables, equipment, supplies, etc…. Keeping your hands to yourself. Working on class activities and assignments constructively. Sitting in your assigned desk, not on top of it. *Cleaning up after yourself (food/drinks/candy). (more examples will be added as needed) *Any unacceptable behavior will result in a warning, then detention, then office referral (of course loss of participation points will accompany any punishments).

5 4. The “What happens if…” rules…
General answers to common questions: What happens if… I forget my homework? It is a ZERO for that day… if turned in next day it’s 50% off. What happens if… I forget my textbook? Fill out your agenda, go get it, and receive a TARDY for that day. What happens if… I get caught cheating? You will get a ZERO on that assignment. If someone knowingly is letting you cheat, they will also get a ZERO. What happens if… I am sick for a day (or 2…)? You must get homework turned in the day after you get back (check website – *What happens if… I fail a test or major assignment? Phys. Sci. / Chem. – retakes are available the following Tuesday at 2:30. PT – no retakes available unless special circumstances. What happens if… I’m gone to the bathroom too long? Anything longer than 5 minutes will require you to make up extra time in class before school.

6 4. The “What happens if…” rules…
General answers to common questions: What happens if… I get caught messing around when I said I was getting a drink or going to the bathroom? You will not be allowed to leave the room again. What happens if… I fall asleep in class? You will be given a detention to make up that time and lose participation points. What happens if… my book is lost or damaged? You must pay for it (around $80) by the end of the year. What happens if… I get kicked out of my lab group? You will receive a zero for that lab. What happens if… I end up with a 59% at the end of the semester? Do you round up? No. You will fail the course for the semester.

7 5. Miscellaneous… I prefer is you raise your hand to answer any class discussion questions. Desks should only have materials needed for class that day on them.

8 6. Grading. All students in Physical Science, Chemistry, and Principles of Technology will be graded based on the following categories: Participation/Homework – 9% Labs – 18% Quizzes – 18% Tests – 45% Midterm/Final Exams – 10%

9 7. To Succeed in Class... Follow these steps to help you have a successful year: Focus during class (listen, stay on task, take good notes) Participate in class discussions, activities, labs Complete assignments / activities fully (with effort) Review notes / example problems / class information every night (10-30 min) Work on assignments ahead of time Use my office hours (or ) to your benefit if you have any questions Stay organized Attend study sessions Correct assignments (in class as instructed, or on your own)

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