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North Metro Rail Line NATA February 25, 2016.

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1 North Metro Rail Line NATA February 25, 2016

2 Design Status Area A-C (DUS throat to York St.) is at 90%, but expecting 100% this week. Area D (York to 72nd) is at 90%, but expecting 100% in next 2 weeks. Area E (72nd to 88th) have been IFCed Area F (88th-104th) is in for review at 100% Area G (104th to 112th) is in for review at 90% Area H (112th to 124th) portions have been IFCed and ready for construction. Civil and structures are at 100%. Bridges are either at IFC or at 100% 104th Station with parking garage is expected at 60% soon 124th, 112th, 88th, and 72nd stations coming in at 100% in near future National Western Station is at 90% and being adjusted due to new stock show plans

3 Utility Relocations Utility Relocation activity along the line:
60th Avenue North of I-270 31st Avenue Upcoming activities: 124th Avenue 64th Avenue Suncor Completed 47% of the 127 total utility conflicts

4 Eastlake at 124th Station Work

5 Grange Hall Box Culverts

6 Earthwork between 112th and 124th

7 120th Avenue Bridge

8 112th Avenue Station Work

9 104th Avenue Bridge

10 Rail Removal at 88th Avenue

11 72nd Avenue Station Work

12 Skyway Bridge Longest bridge in the state 9,533 feet 63 piers/64 spans
7626 fasteners, no ballast


14 Marion Street Bridge Adjacent to National Western Center
Originally 1 track BN freight rail bridge New construction includes: New 1 track bridge by BNSF 3-track bridge for BNSF 1 track bridge for North Metro (later in the project) Underpass wider and deeper with walkway

15 Denargo

16 Rail and special track delivery

17 Upcoming Construction
88th Avenue Bridge 70th Avenue Bridge Washington Bridge Colorado Ag Ditch Continued Earthwork and site preparation Sub ballast delivery and placement Additional box culverts at Lower Clear Creek, Hoffman drainage way, Bratner gulch

18 Questions? Contact: 720-456-5279
Construction Questions: Kathy Berumen General North Metro questions: Brenda Tierney Visit the North Metro Rail Line website and sign up for notices at and click on North Metro

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