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The MAGIC Data Center storage and computing infrastructures in Grid

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1 The MAGIC Data Center storage and computing infrastructures in Grid
Presenter: Christian Neissner (PIC) R. Firpo (PIC), J. Rico (IFAE), I. Reichardt (IFAE), M. Delfino (PIC), A. Moralejo (IFAE)

2 Contents MAGIC The MAGIC Data Center Storage and Computing in Grid


4 What is MAGIC? Scientific targets
MAGIC is a Cherenkov telescope system for g-ray astronomy in the very high energy range (VHE, E > 25 GeV) Scientific targets Cosmic Accelerators Active Galactic Nuclei, Pulsare Wind Nebula, SN Remnants, Gamma Ray Bursts, … Fundamental Questions Dark Matter, Cosmic Rays, Quantum Gravity, Cosmology…

5 The MAGIC Collaboration
21 institutes (mostly in Europe) ~ 200 members Telescope site in Canary Islands Observatorio Roque de los Muchachos (ORM) MAGIC-I in operation since 2004 MAGIC-II in operation since 2009 Future detector enhancements Equip MAGIC-I with same camera and readout as MAGIC-II

6 Scientific Highlights
Discovery of 14 new VHE g-ray sources 8 extragalactic + 4 galactic New populations unveiled Radio-quasar & Micro-quasar Detection of distant VHE g-rays z = 0.54, farthest up to now Detection of pulsated VHE g-rays Originated in the Crab pulsar Test on Lorentz Invariance (QG effects) Using big emission flares >40 papers in high impact journals including 4 in Science

7 MAGIC Data Major issue: Background rejection
MAGIC records Cherenkov light flashes from g-ray induced atmospheric particle showers Major issue: Background rejection Separate g-rays from hadrons Based on image parameters Monte Carlo simulations required No VHE “test beam” available

8 The MAGIC Data Center

9 MAGIC Data Center @ PIC MAGIC produces ~300 TB of raw data per year
And up to 400 TB in the final configuration The MAGIC Data Center at PIC provides: Data transfer from ORM and storage Official data reprocessing Computing resources and tools User access and support PIC data center operating since 2006 2009: Upgraded for the 2nd telescope Challenge: scalable infrastructure

10 Data volume Increase in data volume after the upgrade
In ~3 years data volume will be increased 4-fold Telescope system MAGIC I MAGIC II MAGIC I + II 2 x MAGIC II 2004 - 2009 2011? # of channels 577 1081 1658 2162 Event size (kB) 60.7 110.0 170.7 219.9 Event rate (Hz) 350 Data Rate (GB/h) 73.0 132.1 205.1 264.3 Obs. Time (h/yr) 1500 RAW data (TB/yr) 106.9 193.6 300 387.1 RAW.gz (TB/yr) 32.1 58.1 90.2 116.1 Reduced data (TB/yr) 4.1 7.1 12.3 15.3

11 MAGIC in Grid

12 Grid as a solution Challenges: Large increase in data volume
Need scalable Storage solution Maintenance of old infrastructure prevented Innovation Need to improve data access Robust infrastructure for many concurrent accesses Data catalog with metadata Open Computing: Accessible to all collaborators Simple and easy to use for standard analysis

13 Opportunities for MAGIC in GRID
Why GRID? Data reduction and analysis require lots of computing resources Must distribute data to all collaborators across Europe User access to shared resources and standardized analysis tools Better and easier data management Increased technical support, benefit from community The MAGIC Data PIC Experience and knowledge on using Grid from LHC projects Manpower partially funded by EGEE Storage based on PIC SEs and other MAGIC sites Other sites currently devoted to MC production

14 The MAGIC VO MAGIC VO exists since 2004 Hiatus 2005-2007
Initiative by H. Kornmayer et al. Hiatus No manpower : New crew taking over grid operations UCM (Madrid) and Dortmund, in collaboration with INSA (MC) IFAE and PIC (Data Center) : Wide adoption Now Grid is widely used in MAGIC And what about MAGIC involvement in Grid? Long-time member, but not very active Now tGrid activity has been resumed

15 MAGIC in Grid (2004) Initial project for MAGIC (H. Kornmayer)
Involve 3 national centers CNAF (Bologna) PIC (Barcelona) GridKA (Karlsruhe) Interconnect MAGIC resources 2 subsystems: Monte Carlo Storage & Analysis Evolved separately MAGIC use of Grid is based on original idea of Harald Kornmayer back in 2004 Two different activities would benefit from Grid: MC and Analysis

16 MAGIC DC migration to Grid
Migration of services while in production (in progress) Migration of Storage: Move existing data to Storage Elements in Grid Use FTS for the data transfer from the observatory Adapt administration tools to new infrastructure Create user-friendly interfaces to access data Migration of Computing: Port existing analysis tools to Grid Develop library of standard tools for the user community User-friendly interface to monitor and submit jobs But what does the Grid offers for MAGIC? Good number of advantages, let’s do it Progressive transition, while in production MAGIC community is not yet grid-aware

17 MAGIC users and Grid MAGIC users were reluctant to use Grid
Grid has a steep learning curve Used to the old storage and computing Lack of a ‘killer application’ Conquer your user community Good documentation and user support Training sessions User-friendly tools Work with users: feedback Highlight the hidden benefits of the new infrastructure Less maintenance -> Better support But what does the Grid offers for MAGIC? Good number of advantages, let’s do it Progressive transition, while in production MAGIC community is not yet grid-aware

18 Storage Data Transfer, Storage and Access

19 Storage Current storage system requires too much maintenance
Non-existent file catalog, fragmented disk space, … Solution: adopt Tier1-grade Grid-based storage system Standard tools + supported PIC LFC: Easier data management and monitoring Old scheme New scheme Storage NFS + CASTOR dCache (w/ ENSTORE) Tape access Different protocol Transparent to user Maintenance High, custom tools Low, PIC service Data catalog - LFC Security No access control User certificates, VO roles, …

20 Data transfer Suboptimal network data transfer (SSH-based)
Insufficient bandwidth RAW data stored in LTO tapes and sent by air mail Poor control over network transfers Bad integration with Grid (intermediate disk) Integration to Grid Infrastructure Data cluster in observation site uses GFS Not supported by SRM Using BeStMan to create GridFTP + SRM server Data transfer managed by FTS + manager Pending administrative actions to set it up Aim to deprecate air mail transfers

21 Data access Data access requirements: Two approaches: Solution:
Access data anytime from anywhere Two approaches: Data access using Grid tools (GridFTP, SRM or equivalent) Robust transfers, not easy file browsing Not all institutes support Grid Web access Easy file browsing, not that easy transfers Security concerns Solution: Build web-based service to interface to GridFTP + LFC Use dCache httpDoor for “Grid-handicapped” users Access only to local SE

22 Data flow

23 Computing

24 Data Center: Computing
Traditional computing at MAGIC Each institute uses its own computing resources (CPU + Storage) Only few users have access to a computing farm Data center CPUs exclusive to “official” analysis We recently opened the computing to all users Grid-based computing Additional resources for users: CPU and Disk In development: library of standard analysis tools PIC data center will still play a central role Data management, manpower, … + resources & efficiency: more and better scientific outcome

25 Standard analysis tools
Looking to create a ‘Killer Application’ Aim: cover all steps in the analysis chain A tool for everybody: Simple yet flexible Based on existing tools and years of experience Library of high level functions Shield from Grid complexity One central tool is easier to develop Better user support Most user support is for buggy user-created software Future: Interface to submit and monitor jobs But what does the Grid offers for MAGIC? Good number of advantages, let’s do it Progressive transition, while in production MAGIC community is not yet grid-aware

26 Summary

27 Summary MAGIC has adopted Grid as a computing model.
The use of Grid in the Data Center was key to the successful upgrade process. A WLCG Tier-1 site is now also the Tier-0 for MAGIC reusing methodologies and personnel. It is necessary to create customized applications for an easy access to the data and computing.

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