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Wilson Reading System Cassie Anderson.

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1 Wilson Reading System Cassie Anderson

2 Background Barbra A. Wilson
Special Education teacher Chairperson for I.E.P. meetings Noticed special ed. students struggling with reading Orton-Gillingham Language Therapist Certification program at the Reading Disabilities Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. 1985 founded Wilson Learning Center 1988 published Wilson Reading System Fundations 2002, Fluency Basics 2007, Just Words 2009

3 Wilson Students requirements
Meant for students in grade 2-12 and adults students have a decoding and spelling problem Cannot mix students who can proficiently read with students who struggle Minimum IQ of 80 Overall reading ranked in 5th to 30th percentile Minimum total reading score of 2.o Students’ listening comprehension ability is higher compared to independent reading comprehension Wilson tutors read grade appropriate material to students Widen schema and Provide grade appropriate vocabulary Lessen gap between students and their peers

4 Wilson Teachers Multiple Training Sessions Must be certified.

5 Tutoring Session One on one or is small group up to six students
Grouped according to pacing Low decoding=stay in earlier steps for several sessions Others students quickly finish first few steps=go to more complex material Three groups Group 1; slowest pacing track; 0-15% percentile word attack Group 2; medium pacing; 16-30% percentile word attack Group 3; fast pacing; 30-50% percentile word attack

6 Tutoring Session Tutoring sessions that work for students’ individual schedule Three to four 45 minute sessions Two to three 60 minute session Two to three 90 minutes session 90 minutes to complete entire lesson Lesson broken into blocks Can complete block of lesson in shorter session

7 Lesson Structure 10-part lesson plan
10 parts broken up into three blocks Block 1: parts 1-5, takes 30 minutes focuses word study, decoding, and vocabulary activities include sound card quick drill (say the sound on card), teach and review concepts for reading, word cards, wordlist reading, and sentence reading Phonemic awareness help sound out words while reading Block 2: parts 6-8, takes30 minutes spelling and writing activities include quick drill reversal (hear the sound write the letter), teach and review concept for spelling, and written work dictation (sounds words, sentences) Block 3: parts 9-10, takes 30 minutes controlled text passage reading and listening comprehension and applied skills controlled text passages only include concepts that students have learned or are currently working on Listening comprehension=access to prints at current grade level

8 Scope and Sequence Twelve steps are focused on the six different syllable types Closed syllable Vowel consonant-e syllable Open syllable Consonant-le syllable R-controlled syllable Vowel diagraph/diphthong syllable

9 Steps Step 1 – Closed Syllables (3 sounds)
Blending two and three sounds, Digraphs, Practice with above sounds, Double consonants, f, s, l, and –all, am, -an, Adding suffix ‘s’ to closed syllable words with three sounds (bugs, chills) Step 2 – Closed Syllables (4-6 Sounds) Glued sounds: ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk (bang, pink), Closed syllables with blends (4 sounds) + suffix ‘s’, Closed Syllable exceptions: ild, ind, old, ost, olt, Five sounds in a closed syllable + suffix ‘s’, Three letter blends and up to six sounds in a closed syllable (sprint, scrap) Step 3 – Closed Syllables (Multisyllabic Words) Two syllable words with 2 closed syllables combined (no blends), schwa (catnip, wagon), Two syllable words with two closed syllables, including blends (disrupt, fragment), Words with two closed syllables ending in ct blend (contract, district), Multisyllabic words, combining only closed syllables (Wisconsin, establish), Suffixes ed, ing added to unchanging basewords with closed syllables (slashing, blended)

10 Steps Step 4 – Vowel-Consonant E Syllable Step 5 – Open Syllable
Vowel-consonant e syllable in one syllable words (hope, cave), Vowel- consonant e syllable combined with closed syllables (combine, reptile), Multisyllabic words combining two syllable types (compensate, illustrate), –ive exception: no word ends in v (olive, pensive) Step 5 – Open Syllable Open syllable in one syllable words, y as a vowel (he, hi, shy), Open syllables combined with vowel-consonant-e and closed syllables in two-syllable words (protect, decline), y as a vowel at the end of two-syllable words when combined with a closed syllable or another open syllable (handy, puppy), Multisyllabic words, combining 3 syllable types: open, closed, vowel- consonant-e (instrument, amputate), 'a’ and ‘I’ in unaccented, open syllables (Alaska, indicate) Step 6 – Suffix Endings (unchanged basewords) and Consonant-le Syllable Suffix endings –er, est, en, es, able, ish, y, ive, ly, ty, less, ness, ment, ful added to unchanging basewords (thankful, classy), Suffix ending ed: /d/, /t/ added to unchanging basewords (thrilled, punished), Combining 2 suffixes to an unchanging baseword (constructively, helpfulness), Stable final syllable: consonant –le, stle exception (dribble, whistle)

11 Steps Step 7 – Introduction to Sound Options, Contractions
Sound Options: c (e,i,y) (concentrate, concede) g (e,i,y) (gentle, pungent), ge, ce, dge (lunge, indulgence, fudge), new trigraph and digraph: tch, ph (fetch, ph), – tion, sion (subtraction, expansion), contractions (we’ve, I’ll) Step 8 – R-Controlled Syllable R-Controlled syllable: ar, er, ir, or, ur in one syllable words (firm, turn, barn), ar, or in multisyllabic words (market, cortex), er,ir,ur in multisyllabic words (skirmish, surgery), Exceptions: vowel rr (hurry, barren), para, Exceptions: ar, or in final syllable (beggar, doctor) ard, ward (blizzard, onward) Step 9 – Vowel Digraphs/Diphthong “D” Syllable Vowel Teams: ai,ay (plain, display), ee,ey (tweezer, valley), oa,oe,ue (croak, toe, revenue), oi,oy,au,aw (thyroid, employ, saucer, squawk), ou, ow, oo (trousers, drowsy, spoon), ea (eat, bread, steak), eu, ew, ui (Europe, few, suit)

12 Steps Step 10 – Adding Suffixes to Changing Basewords
V-e exceptions: ice, ace, ate, ile, ite, ine, Spelling Rule: Adding a suffix to a baseword ending in e (taping, lately), Spelling Rule: Adding a suffix to a one- syllable closed or r-controlled baseword (starred or saddest), Spelling Rule: Adding a suffix toa multisyllabic baseword when the final consonant must double (regretting, controlled), Additional suffixes: -ic, -al, -ible, -ous, -ist, -ism, - ity, -ize, -ary, -ery, -ory, -ent, -ence, -ant, -ance Step 11 – Additional I, E, Y Vowel Work 'y' in open, closed, v-e syllables (reply, gym, type), the y spelling rule (enjoyable, player), 'i' in an open syllable /e/ (orient), 'i' pronounced as /y/ (genius, million), ie/ei (piece, ceiling, vein), igh, eigh (light, eight) Step 12 – Advanced Concepts Split vowels: vowel team exceptions (create, violin), silent letters: rh, gh, mb, mn, kn, gn, wr (rhyme, ghost, lamb, column, knife, gnat, wrist), w affecting vowels (water, worship), ch, que, /k/ (chorus, clique), ti, ci, tu, ture (patient, official, actual, nature), chameleon prefixes (correct, accent)

13 Website
Information about all four Wilson Programs Wilson Reading System WRS Description WRS Target Population Principles of Instruction Distinguished Characteristics WRS Lesson Plan Webcast Visuals of how program is used Talks about syllables for 12 steps Purpose of nonsense words Overview of program

14 Lesson Vowels different color than other cards: orange=multisensory
Tap multisensory: map, lash, slash, chick

15 Bibliography Bishop Reading. n.d. Web. 22 May 2013.
Wilson Language Training Corp. Wilson Reading System Level I Certification Web. 22 May 2013. —. Wilson Reading System Web. 22 May 2013. —. WRS Lesson Plan Web. 22 May 2013. Wilson, Barbara. "Wilson Reading System in the Classroom." Wilson Language Training Corporation, 2007.

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