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Colombian peace process: Implications for the Private Sector

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1 Colombian peace process: Implications for the Private Sector
Fabio Segura Jornada Colombiana St. Gallen, March 28th, 2017

2 Conflict transformation
Behaviours Behaviours Peaceful struggle Conflict Conflict Transformation Conflict transformation Attitudes Attitudes Contradictions Empaty Creativity Peacebuilding Direct Necessary tasks: Conflict transformation Ending all forms of violence Addressing the root causes Building peace resources Healing Violence Cultural Structural

3 Mukatri (Florencia, Caqueta)
Situation The Amazon rain forest loses in average 12'302 square km/year. Unable to generate a profit on standing forests, farmers clear forested lands for agriculture, cattle-raising, and illegal crops. Solution FruitCo is a private company tackling the deforestation of the Amazon by manufacturing and commercializing sweets, cookies, sauces, and marmalades made of three ecologically grown/harvested forest fruits: araza, cocona, and copoazu. Impact FruitCo contributes to the preservation of the Amazon Forest while increasing the quality of life local farmers.

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