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ttest PLO Postflop Theory Video # 7: Executing Floats

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1 ttest PLO Postflop Theory Video # 7: Executing Floats
By Tom “LearnedfromTV” Chambers ttest 1

2 Basic Concepts Definition: A float is a flop (or turn) call that derives a significant amount of its profitability from plans to bluff or semi-bluff on later streets. - In PLO it rarely makes sense to float with no equity - minor straight draw (gutshot/open ender) - bare non-nut flush draw - one pair - backdoor draws -Five possible turn action sequences after floating - opponent checks, we bet - opponent checks, we check behind - opponent bets, we fold - opponent bets, we call - opponent bets, we raise/shove -Two step process to react to opponent’s bet/check 1. Evaluate the turn card 2. Evaluate the opponent ttest 2

3 Evaluating the Turn Card
- We can generally separate the turn card possibilities into six categories. Nut Cards (e.g. holding AhQcJd2h on Th8d2d9s) Good Improvement Cards (e.g. holding AhQcJd2h on Th8d2dAs) Nut Backdoor Cards (e.g. holding AhQcJd2h on Th8d2dKs or Th8d2s5h) Marginal Improvement Cards (e.g. holding AhQcJd2h on Th8d2dJs) Potential Bluff Cards (e.g. holding AhQcJd2h on Th8d2d5d) Blanks (e.g. holding AhQcJd2h on Th8d2d5s) ttest 3

4 Evaluating the Opponent
Key Questions if he bets and we picked up some equity: - How frequently does the opponent double barrel? - How do board texture and stack sizes influence the chance he folds to a shove? - What river situations will calling lead to? Key Questions if he checks and we picked up some equity: - If he continues, is he more inclined to check-raise or check-call? - If we bet and he calls, what is the distribution of river scenarios? Will we have a mix of good (nut) value betting cards and good bluff cards? Or a lot of in-between bluff-catcher type hands? - How does betting or checking influence the chance he makes a river bet we find uncomfortable? - How often will he fold? - If he calls, how many rivers can we profitably bluff? ttest 4

5 ttest Example #1 5 Board: Jh7d3h Our Hand: KdQhJs5d
Opponent A: High flop c-bet %, High turn c-bet%, rarely check-raises turn, check calls a lot of turns with decent hands he doesn’t want to get raised with. Opponent B: Medium c-bet %, low-medium turn c-bet%, sometimes check-raises big hands and big draws on the turn against aggressive floaters, rarely check-calls turn What is the plan on the following cards (facing a bet or a check against each type of opponent)? 8c Ks 5h Td ttest 5

6 ttest Example #2 6 Board: AhTd5h Our Hand: KdQd9h8h
Opponent A: High flop c-bet %, High turn c-bet%, rarely check-raises turn, check calls a lot of turns with decent hands he doesn’t want to get raised with. Opponent B: Medium c-bet %, low-medium turn c-bet%, sometimes check-raises big hands and big draws on the turn against aggressive floaters, rarely check-calls turn What is the plan on the following cards (facing a bet or a check against each type of opponent)? 7h Qs 3d 2c ttest 6

7 Out of Position – Static Boards
Opponent’s calling range is mostly weak-medium made hands but with greater flexibility to float with gutshots, bottom pair, overcards + backdoors, etc. Just as when we are in position, on most turns the main considerations are how tight he is on the flop and how stubborn he is on the turn and river On turns that make backdoor draws possible where we pick up equity, how wide the opponent floats and whether he tends to check behind or bet when checked to determine whether check/raising or betting is a more effective semi-bluff. ttest 7

8 ttest 8

9 ttest 9

10 Key Concepts ttest 10

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