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BE-BI Software for LINAC4

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1 BE-BI Software for LINAC4
Specifications List of BI Systems Not covered: PSB ring systems Conclusions Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

2 Functional specifications:
“BEAM MEASUREMENTS FOR LINAC4 AND ITS TRANSFER LINES” EDMS Id: (2010) LIST OF DIAGNOSTICS REQUIREMENTS (observables): POSITION, INTENSITY AND PHASE (from BPM) BEAM INTENSITY BEAM PROFILE & EMITTANCE BEAM LOSS BUNCH LENGTH BI software provide interfaces to these observables for client applications Important points: Re-use hardware/software as much as possible (software APIs from LINAC2/PSB systems) Use 3MeV test-stand for proto-typing Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

3 BI Systems Date of expected initial use (3MeV test-stand ++):
Faraday-cup Emittance-meter SEM-grids BCT Beam Wire Scanner Beam Position Monitor Beam Loss Monitor BTV Bunch Shape Monitor Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

4 Faraday cup Scope: Present status: Plans: Test-stand + LINAC4
Acquired with local oscilloscope Plans: Implement time resolved (cross-calibrated) current readout for LINAC4 source installation (2013) Movement + High-voltage + ACQ to be specified Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

5 Emittance-meter Scope: Status: Plans: 3MeV test-stand
Source re-commissioning Status: Time resolved beam profiles with HOR/VER slit control Acquisition and control implemented (FESA/Labview/C++) Plans: New slits (allowing for higher energies) by November 2011 RFQ tests early 2012 Minor low-level software changes with no/minimal changes for application Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

6 SEM-grids Scope: Status: Plans: 3MeV test-stand, LINAC4 (<30MeV)
Acquisition and control for test-stand spectrometer SEM-Grids done (FESA/JAVA) Time resolved profiles (~6usec) Plans: Awaiting final layout decisions Acquisition/control hardware for final LINAC4 being designed (expected 2012) Test-stand beam tests during 2012 Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

7 BCTs Scope: Status: Plans:
Test-stand, LINAC4, Transfer-lines (new, old) Status: Proof of principle for the acquisition electronics and software during 2011 Time resolved intensity measurements KHz) Total current & number of charges Plans: Debugging of acquisition electronics and software Final layout (number, type, position) Issue with very short beam pulses Intensity watch-dog (interlock) Functional specifications on-going (likely combination of hardware and software for added flexibility) Discussed June 2011 Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

8 Wire-scanners Scope: Status: Plans: Test-stand, LINAC4, new T.L.
Hardware design being finalised Software to resemble slow ISOLDE scanners (fixed by end Q2 2011) Plans: Awaiting final layout decisions Beam tests foreseen early 2012 Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

9 BPMs Scope: Status: Plans: Test-stand, LINAC4, Transfer-lines
Hardware design/production on-going HW issue with very short beam pulses Software will provide: Time resolved and averaged position values (HOR/VER) Phase with respect to the RF accelerating frequency Cross-calibrated beam intensity APIs by Q3 2011 Plans: Beam Tests 2012: 3 BPMs on test-stand Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

10 BLMs Scope: Status: Plans: Test-stand, LN4, Transfer-lines
Hardware design (analogue/digital) on-going Interlocking spec’s to be finalized Plans: Lab tests during Q4 2011 Software design to start Q3 2011 Time resolved losses (2usec) Integral over 1msec APIs by early 2012 Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

11 BTVs Scope: Status: Plans: 3 devices in dump line
1 in new transfer-line (?) 3 new in LBE line 4 at PSB injection (stripper foil) Status: Reuse existing hardware and software Plans: Awaiting specification Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

12 Bunch Shape Scope: Status: Plans: Test-stand + LN4
Complete system built by JINR (Feshenko) Status: Will come with Labview software on PC for test-stand Plans: Integration into control system by 2013 Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

13 Conclusions Software design and delivery Operational systems
follows test-stand schedule and hardware availability Operational systems deployed and tested when front-end computers become available Standing agreement with OP provide APIs ASAP for discussion 3MeV test-stand Very important for proto-typing Decisions Layout must be fixed soon (mainly hardware issue) Some specifications missing Lars K. Jensen BI-SW

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