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Secretariat Matters INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing

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Presentation on theme: "Secretariat Matters INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Secretariat Matters INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing
Secretariat of the INTOSAI WGEA

2 Outline The 9th environmental audit survey Annual audit collection
INTOSAI WGEA Website The 15th SC Meeting of INTOSAI WGEA, Sept 2017

3 The 9th environmental audit survey
According to Workplan , Secretariat has to conduct the the 9th environmental audit survey The last survey (8th survey) was published in 2016 The survey response needs to be improved The 9th environmental audit survey Some changes Simplify the questions Update with the current topics The 15th SC Meeting of INTOSAI WGEA, Sept 2017

4 Milestone for 9th Survey
Activity Time Drafting 9th Survey June – September 2017 Send the draft Survey to obtain comments from Steering Committtee 1 October 2017 Deadline for comments 31 October 2017 Finalizing the Survey November 2017 Translate the Survey into other languages (French, German, Spanish, Arab) December 2017 – January 2018 Send the survey out to all the INTOSAI members February 2018 Deadline for Survey Result Collection 1 May 2018 Analyzing The Survey Result May – August 2018 Report Writing September 2018 Report Published in WGEA website October 2018 The 15th SC Meeting of INTOSAI WGEA, Sept 2017

5 Annual Environmental Audit Collection
According to Workplan , Secretariat has to conduct 3 annual audit collections. 2016: 167 audit collections from 47 SAIs 2017: November 2017 – calling for audit contribution March 2018 – submitted to Secretariat The 15th SC Meeting of INTOSAI WGEA, Sept 2017

6 Website – New look Some new features
Regional contribution might upload news on the WGEA website The 15th SC Meeting of INTOSAI WGEA, Sept 2017

7 Thank you The 15th SC Meeting of INTOSAI WGEA, Sept 2017

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