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8th Grade Technology Education Innovation and Design

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Presentation on theme: "8th Grade Technology Education Innovation and Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Grade Technology Education Innovation and Design

2 Who are we? Roll Call… Seats…

3 What is this class about?
We will look at the technological world around you. Break it down into categories. Projects will be based on some of these categories. Design Process Learning Skills and Applying them.

4 Class Projects Design Based using knowledge, tools, skills and software. Technical Sketching CADD Adobe Illustrator Machine/Power tools

5 Class Projects Rapid Prototypers Laser Engraver 3-D Printer*

6 Class Projects CO2 Dragster Aerodynamics Forces of Motion
Design Process

7 Class Projects Laser Engraver/Electronics
Design and Build LED electrical circuit. Design Graphics for Acrylic Laser Cut Box/Stand

8 Class Projects 3-D Printed Design Turbines? Cell Phone Stand?
Something else? Open Ended??

9 What I expect YOU to DO: Be here on time…. Bring a pencil everyday.
Bring your assignment book. Talking and listening cannot happen at the same time. Pay attention to requirements…

10 What I expect YOU to DO: Give an honest effort.
Clean up after yourself. Treat each other with respect. Treat the equipment with respect. Be in your seat at the end of class.

11 The No Nos…. No phones…. No food or drink…. Gum and Candy Included
Water is ok***

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