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9.25 – Do Now – Level 0 Task #1: Annotate the intro for Apostrophes, complete questions 1-8 that follow.

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Presentation on theme: "9.25 – Do Now – Level 0 Task #1: Annotate the intro for Apostrophes, complete questions 1-8 that follow."— Presentation transcript:

1 9.25 – Do Now – Level 0 Task #1: Annotate the intro for Apostrophes, complete questions 1-8 that follow.

2 9.25 – Logistics Objective SWBAT place apostrophes appropriately to distinguish noun ownership. SWBAT cite specific textual evidence to defend their answer reponses. Agenda Do-Now Apostrophes Act 3 Vocabulary Act 2 Open-Book Test

3 Act 3 Vocabulary Contentious Confounded Prodigious Deferentially
Directions: Copy the following words into your notebook, in alphabetical order. Contentious Confounded Prodigious Deferentially Deposition Incredulously Effrontery Anonymity Imperceptible Blanched

4 ACT 2 Open-Book Test Task #1: Take out your notebook, text and handouts. Place your remaining things at the front of the room. Task #2: Grab a laptop, log in immediately. Task #3: Complete questions 1-2, 4, 6,7,9 and 10. Task #4: Choose one of the essay questions 11,12 or 13 and type a response in Google Docs…share with

5 9.25- closing Homework Act 3 Build Vocabulary Parts A and B Wrap Up Turn in your quiz and put away your laptop.

6 9.26 – DO Now – Level 0 Task #1: Place your homework in a pile on your tables. Pull it out of the packet, if necessary. Task #2: Allusion review, questions 1-6. *Where it says to underline, highlight instead.

7 9.26- Logistics Objective SWBAT distinguish allusion and its affect on author’s purpose. SWBAT assess usage of dramatic and verbal irony. Agenda Do Now Dramatic and Verbal Irony Act 3

8 9.26- closing Homework Apostrophes - Application parts A and B Wrap Up Justify Miller’s effectiveness of dramatic irony, does it have an emotional appeal on the audience? What is the benefit in this?

9 9.27 – Do Now – Level 0 Task #1: Complete Act 3 Vocabulary Builder.

10 Logistics Objective SWBAT evaluate character arguments by looking for similarities in claim. Agenda Do Now Reading Strategy: Evaluate Arguments ACT 3 Reading

11 9.27 – Closing Homework Act 3 Reading Wrap Up Complete the Giles Corey row for our Evaluating Arguments activity. Then, circle the character who has the most logical evidence. Place a star next to the character who has the most believable evidence.

12 9.28 – Do Now Class Links 
2nd period: 3rd period: 6th period: 7th period: 9.28 – Do Now Task #1: Place your things at the front, grab a laptop. Log in immediately and go to the corresponding link for your class. Task #2: Complete Sentence Boundaries and Subordination + Coordination. Take notes in your notebook on what you learn and what is clarified through practice.

13 Logistics Objective SWBAT evaluate character morality by analyzing their actions in act 3. Agenda Do now Categorize Characters by Role Act 3

14 9.28 – Closing Homework ACT 3 + Quick write Quick write  In 7-9 sentences respond to the following prompt in your notebook: “Defend a time in which you compromised your morality to defend someone else, for something you knew was wrong.” Wrap Up Choose three characters from today that have the strongest Puritan values. Explain how they remain faithful to these values, use evidence from the text.

15 9.29 – Do now – Level 0 Task #1: Pick up the ACT 3 test, begin immediately. Task #2: Grab a laptop, for the essay portion, choose 1 essay question to respond to via a typed 7-9 sentence response. Homework Support for Writing: “Friend of the Court” Brief

16 9.29 – Logistics Objective SWBAT assess character motive and action as it contributes to the increasing hysteria in Salem. Agenda Act 3 Test

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