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Student Success Metrics

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1 Student Success Metrics

2 Alamo College's Strategic Goals
The development of the ACCD strategic plan is based on an integrative, participatory model. Communication among ACCD stakeholders leading to the update and dissemination of the strategic plan occurs using top-down and bottom-up approaches. In the top-down approach, the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor determine the strategic goals and formulate the recommended strategies for the whole organization. The bottom-up approach involves discussions by goal working groups, composed of college and District office faculty, staff, and administrators as well as students and community members, Goal working group strategic recommendations are passed to Vice Chancellors and college presidents, the ACCD Strategic Plan Oversight Committee, who, in turn, review recommendations and communicate them to the Chancellor for consideration. All along this process, the voice of external stakeholders and environmental scanning findings are taken into consideration for sound decision-making. The whole strategic planning process is permeated by the Achieving the Dream initiative and supported by the Baldrige performance excellence framework.

3 Defining Student Success
Course Completion Rates Productive Grade Rates Student Engagement Retention Rates Graduation Rates Placement Rates Transfer Rates Student Satisfaction Licensure Exam Pass Rates Value-Added in Learning Outcomes

4 Becoming the Best in the Nation
Best Among National Peers Best in the Nation National Average Best in Texas Best Among Texas Peers Texas Average

5 By College of Attendance
Headcount Enrollment By College of Attendance

6 Percentage of students rating their entire educational experience as good or excellent?

7 Would you recommend this college to a friend or family member?

8 Class-Based Metrics Alamo Colleges FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY10
Productive Grade Rates 67.3% 68.2% 69.4% 70.0% Course Completion Rates 80.2% 83.1% 84.8% 86.5%

9 Persistence Rates FT FTIC Fall-to-Fall 65.0% 63.0% 62.6% 61.3% 61.4%
61.0% 59.9% 59.0% 57.0% 55.0% FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10

10 Persistence Rates FT FTIC Fall-to-Fall 54.2% 70.0% 67.2% 65.0% 62.6%
60.0% 56.6% 55.0% 54.2% 50.0% State Avg. VLCC Avg. Alamo El Paso

11 CCSSE Active & Collaborative Learning 53.6 49.1 50.0 3 of 5
Domain Alamo State Avg. National Avg. AC’s >= 50.0 Active & Collaborative Learning 53.6 49.1 50.0 3 of 5 Student Effort 51.0 48.7 Academic Challenge 50.9 48.1 4 of 5 Student/Faculty Interaction 50.6 48.8 Support for Learners 52.6 51.5

12 Four-Year Graduation Rate
20.0% 17.7% 15.0% 14.0% 11.9% 10.0% 9.6% 5.0% 0.0% Alamo VLCC Avg State Avg San Jacinto

13 Degrees and Certificates Awarded

14 Licensure Exam Pass Rate

15 Transfers 50.0% 40.5% 40.0% 29.0% 30.0% 26.0% 19.4% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Alamo VLCC Avg State Avg Houston

16 Placement / Employment
75.0% 71.7% 70.0% 66.2% 65.3% 65.0% 60.9% 60.0% 55.0% Alamo VLCC Avg State Avg Houston

17 Average Class Size Note: not comparable to Budget target as excludes some small classes (i.e. private music lessons)

18 On the Rise Enrollment Course Completion Rates Productive Grade Rates
Persistence Rates Student Satisfaction Student Engagement

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