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Criminal Psychology Chapter 6 Dangerousness to Risk Assessment Talbot

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Presentation on theme: "Criminal Psychology Chapter 6 Dangerousness to Risk Assessment Talbot"— Presentation transcript:

1 Criminal Psychology Chapter 6 Dangerousness to Risk Assessment Talbot
Kellogg Community College

2 Risk Assessment - Dangerousness
The process of : Dangerousness What is it? Statistical measures and correlations. Dangerousness as a ___________ variable.

3 Risk Assessment - Violence
Violence – Defined? Force/ Energy Types of violence

4 Risk Assessment - Violence
Continuum Tools for Risk Assessment Psychopathy Checklist Revised Violence Risk Appraisal Guide Rapid Risk Assessment of Sexual Recidivism Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide JACA Principle

5 Risk Assessment Elements of Prediction

6 Why do it? Makes a prediction of an individual’s future acts.

7 How do we do it? JACA

8 Intuition What if you don’t have the information to perform a standardized risk assessment? Fear standard - Intuition Why is it not used? Why and when might it be encouraged?

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