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SAFETY IN THE LAB Observe the diagram on the next slide and identify as many safety errors/concerns as possible. Circle the safety concern and number it.

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Presentation on theme: "SAFETY IN THE LAB Observe the diagram on the next slide and identify as many safety errors/concerns as possible. Circle the safety concern and number it."— Presentation transcript:


2 SAFETY IN THE LAB Observe the diagram on the next slide and identify as many safety errors/concerns as possible. Circle the safety concern and number it. Then describe the safety concern.








10 What does WHMIS mean? Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
WHMIS is a Canada wide hazard communication system developed to provide employers and workers information about hazardous products used in the workplace

11 What does WHMIS mean? WHMIS is composed of 3 main elements to communicate the hazards of controlled products: Labels – affixed to containers of hazardous materials and provides information regarding the hazards Safety Data Sheets (SDS) – provide supplementary information to hazards outlined on the labels (Note: These were formerly called Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 3. Education – training on how to use the information provided


13 Chemical Classifications
Chemicals are classified using a globally harmonized system (GHS) that provides standardized language for: Health Hazard Categories Physical Hazard Categories Environmental Hazard Categories* Previously, chemical hazards were evaluated in a more subjective manner. Chemicals must now go through a specific, prescriptive classification process to determine which hazards are present and which hazard and precautionary statements apply. This can be a lengthy process. Environmental Hazards are not regulated by MIOSHA. Check with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for any employee training requirements for these sections. DEQ Environmental Assistance Center can be reached at (800) from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday or


15 Labels: Pictograms – Health Hazards
Skull and Crossbones: Exclamation Mark: Irritant (skin and eye) Skin Sensitizer Acute Toxicity (harmful) Specific Target Organ Toxicity Respiratory Tract Irritant Hazardous to Ozone Layer (Non-Mandatory) The following slides will provide more detail related to the pictograms. These 2 pictograms are specific to acute toxicity (short-term exposure). The skull and crossbones is for any substance that is classified as having acute toxicity in health hazard category The acute toxicity health class, category 4 (least hazardous) is represented by an exclamation mark. If the substance is properly labeled, these 2 pictograms will never appear on the same label. It will be one or the other with skull and crossbones representing the more severe hazard. Additional information for labeling and language associated with these pictograms is found in Appendix C of the Haz Com Standard. Acute toxicity (Severe) Fatal or toxic

16 Acute (short term) and Chronic (long term)
Eyes Respiratory System Skin

17 Labels: Pictograms – Health Hazards
Corrosion Health Hazard Carcinogen Mutagenicity Reproductive Toxicity Respiratory Sensitizer Target Organ Toxicity Aspiration Hazard Most employees should be familiar with the pictogram for corrosion on the left. The pictogram to the right is called the “health hazard” pictogram and is represented by the silhouette of a person with a starburst across the chest. This is used indicate that the substance is a chronic and/or target organ hazard. Skin Corrosion/Burns Eye Damage Corrosive to Metals

18 Labels: Pictograms – Physical Hazards
Exploding Bomb Flame Flammables Pyrophorics Self-Heating Emits Flammable Gas Self-Reactives Organic Peroxides The next 2 slides (4 pictograms) represent physical hazards. Explosives Self-Reactives Organic Peroxides Explosives Self reactives Organic peroxides

19 Labels: Pictograms – Physical Hazards
Gas Cylinder Flame over Circle The next 2 slides (4 pictograms) represent physical hazards. Gas under pressure oxidizer Explosives Self reactives Organic peroxides

20 Labels: Pictograms Explosives Self reactives Organic peroxides
Biohazardous Environment The next 2 slides (4 pictograms) represent physical hazards. Biohazardous Infectious Materials Aquatic Toxicity (non-mandatory in Canada) Explosives Self reactives Organic peroxides

21 Labels There are several new label elements:
Symbols called “Pictograms” Signal Words Hazard Statements Precautionary Statements Product Identification Supplier/Manufacturer Identification This is an example of the new label style that is to appear on product labels beginning no later than June 1, 2015 (or Dec. 1, 2015 for distributers who still have product in inventory after the June 1, 2015 deadline). The type of required information is noted in blue. The actual statements and information will vary depending on the specific health and physical classification of the product.

22 Labels: Signal Word These are words used to indicate the severity of the hazard and alert employees to the potential hazard. Only 2 signal words will appear: “DANGER” (more severe hazard) “WARNING” (less severe hazard) Not all labels will have a signal word. Some chemicals are not hazardous enough to require that a signal word appear on the label. In the past, there have been several signal words that may have been used to indicate a hazard like caution, warning, danger. The GHS permits the use of only 2 signal words: “Danger” and “Warning”. Only 1 of the signal words is permitted to appear on the label based on the classification of the chemical.

23 Labels: Hazard Statement
A statement assigned to a hazard class and category that describes the nature of the hazard(s) of a chemical; including, where appropriate, the degree of hazards Fatal if swallowed Toxic if swallowed Harmful if swallowed May be harmful if swallowed Highly flammable liquid and vapor Definition of Hazard Statement: "Hazard statement" means a statement assigned to a hazard class and category that describes the nature of the hazard(s) of a chemical, including, where appropriate, the degree of hazard. Manufacturers, importers and distributers use the classification system outlined in GHS to identify which statements must appear in the SDS and on the label found in Appendix C.

24 Labels: Precautionary Statements
Recommended measures related to: Prevention Response Storage Disposal Examples: Wear respiratory protection Wash with soap and water Store in a well ventilated place Keep away from heat/sparks/open flame "Precautionary statement" means a phrase that describes recommended measures that should be taken to minimize or prevent adverse effects resulting from exposure to a hazardous chemical, or improper storage or handling. Precautionary statements can be found in Appendix C.

25 Safety Data Sheets (SDS) - (formerly MSDS)
Section Hazardous Product Regulations Heading 1 Identification 2 Hazard identification (including classification and label text) 3 Composition/information on ingredients 4 First-aid measures 5 Fire-fighting measures 6 Accidental release measures 7 Handling and storage 8 Exposure controls/personal protection 9 Physical and chemical properties 10 Stability and reactivity 11 Toxicological information 12-15 Ecological, transport and regulatory information, disposal considerations 16 Other information


27 Match the WHMIS Pictograms below with the corresponding hazard:


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