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Mold Welsh Class 23-09-2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Mold Welsh Class 23-09-2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mold Welsh Class

2 Commands Dan ni’n defnyddio ‘-wch’ I droi berf yn orchymyn. Rhoi
To Give Troi To Turn Symud To move Cerdded To Walk Siarad To Talk Gwisgo To get dressed Cysgu To Sleep Deffro To wake up Peidio To stop doing something Chwarae To play Agor To Open Diffordd To switch off Bod yn dda To be good Gwneud To make / do Tacluso To tidy up Mynd To go Dod To come Dilyn To Follow

3 More Commands What about when you are talking to more than one person, or when you call a person chi (respectfully). Instead of the –wch ending we use -a Cerdded Cerdda Siarad Siarada Gwisgo Gwisga Cysgu Cysga

4 Just to be annoying ;-) Some verbs don’t follow this pattern Rhoi Troi
Peidio Bod (yn dda) Mynd Dod Gwyneud Agor Cau Dilyn Rho Tro Paid Bydd (yn dda) Dos Tyrd Gwna Agor Cau Dilyn

5 Verb Endings Remember these? ais i a’i I did / will do on ni an ni
we did / will do aist ti i di You did (friend) och chi wch di You did (formal/group) odd e /hi Iff e/hi he or she did… on nhw an nhw they did… odd Tom/ y plant Iff / ith Tom/y Plant Tom did/children did…

6 Exercise In Circle, pass the ball to someone opposite calling out a verb. E.g. I walked To stay in you have to reply with the correct verb and ending – if you get it wrong you have to put one hand in the air and carry on with one hand – get it wrong twice and you are out! Use the following verbs! Cerdded Bwyta Siarad Pruny Gwisgo Dysgu Cysgu Canu

7 Irregular Verbs

8 Continuous tence In Welsh theire is only one present tence. So Dw i,’n gwisgo can mean I wear or I’m wearing depending on the context. E.g. Dw I’n gwisgo crys I’r gwaith. I wear a shirt to work. Dw I’n gwisgo glas heddiw. I am wearing a blue shirt to day.

9 Exercise Beth dach chi’n wisgo? Be’ wyt ti’n wisgo?
? Why do we mutate gwisgo? Circle again ;-) – throw ball and ask one of the two questions? What do you wear on the ministry usually? Be’ dach chi yn wisgo ar y weinidogaeth fel arfer? 2. What are you wearing today? Be’ dach chi’n wisgo heddiw?

10 I have Mae gen i fferins. I have sweets.
Mae gen i feic. I have a bike. Mae gen i lyfr. I have a book. Mae gen i llawer o lyfrau. I have a lot of books. Mae gen i ormod o bethau. I have too many things. Notice the soft mutation after o. llyfrau lyfrau, pethau bethau.

11 Mae gen i gi. I have a dog. Mae gen ti gi. You have a dog. Mae gynno fo gi. He has a dog. Mae gynni hi gi. She has a dog. Mae gyda ni gi. We have a dog. Mae gynnoch chi gi. You (plural / formal) have a dog. Mae gynnyn nhw gi. They have a dog.

12 To ask someone if they have something we say:
Sgynnoch chi deganau? Do you have any toys? Or, more informally, or if we're asking only one person: Sgen ti deledu? Do you have a television? Sgen ti fideo? Do you have a video? Sgen ti sgrialfwrdd? Do you have a skateboard? If a question begins with oes we need to answer with Oes - yes or Nac oes - No To say that we don't have something we replace the mae gen i etc. with sgen i ddim, etc. Sgen i ddim ci. I don't have a dog. Sgen ti ddim cyfrifiadur. You don't have a computer. Sgynni hi ddim ffôn symudol. She doesn't have a mobile phone. Sgynnon ni ddim goriad. We don't have a key. Sgynnoch chi ddim pres. You don't have money. Sgynnon nhw ddim bwyd. They don't have food

13 Some useful verbs Dw i'n bwyta. I'm eating. dawnsio to dance
gwrando to listen agor to open dod to come gwylio to watch aros to stay / wait rasio to race tacluso to tidy mynd to go eistedd to sit talu to pay mwynhau to enjoy ennill to win teithio to travel bwyta to eat rhedeg to run tynnu to pull nofio to swim rhoi to give hedfan to fly canu to sing ffonio to telephone hwylio to sail cau to close / shut siarad to talk yfed to drink cerdded to walk smygu to smoke ymladd to fight clywed to hear smwddio to iron Ymolchi to wash oneself codi to get up garddio to work in the garden ysgrifennu to write cuddio to hide lliwio to colour disgyn to fall glanhau to clean llosgi to burn chwarae to play golchi to wash Gwylio'r teledu. to watch television. chwerthin to laugh gweld to see chwilio am to look for gwenu to smile Gwrando ar y radio. To listen to the radio. paentio to paint gwisgo to dress Gwrando ar gerddoriaeth. To listen to music. prynu to buy gwneud to make / do

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