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TM 2.0 Traffic Management of the future

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Presentation on theme: "TM 2.0 Traffic Management of the future"— Presentation transcript:

1 TM 2.0 Traffic Management of the future
Dr. Johanna D. Tzanidaki Director Public Affairs, TomTom Group 1

2 informed routing…

3 not preferred routing…

4 TM 2.0 and competitive advantage

5 PA Challenges

6 Agenda the platform the concept exTMPs


8 achieve convergence of mobility services and traffic management
TM Mission The future of Traffic Management is to build upon deployment of connected vehicles and travellers in order to: achieve convergence of mobility services and traffic management create synergies between actions of the individual travellers with the collective mobility objectives bridge the innovative developments in the vehicle and in the traffic management

9 TM 2.0 – Mission (con/ued) while giving value to the legacy and
creating new business opportunities

10 Looking for the win-win in business models
Key to the concept of TM 2.0 Looking for the win-win in business models Space for new business models Opportunities for a new TM systems (multi-modality- green-MaaS-eMobility) Easier mobility for all

11 Governance: TM 2.0 roles and structure
General Assembly TF: ex TMPs TF: role of TM 2.0 in Automation TF: contractual agreements and schemes TF: ex of Best Practices in deploying TM 2.0 TF: TM and links to other modes and interfaces Implementation of TM 2,0 in real traffic Steering Body ERTICO Office Coordinator Phase I-II and now Phase II


13 How TM was done in the past
Collect data in order to know what is going on Inform the driver about what is going on Loop Detectors ANPR Bluetooth tracking VMS Display Radio Messages RDS-TMC Traffic Information

14 TM today Collect traffic data via Floating Car Data (FCD)
Influence drivers by adjusting their route based on traffic data GPS Locations Collect from PND, Smartphones or In-Car Collect data everywhere Route Specific Tailored to the users trip only Traffic Data from all roads

15 TM 2.0 –the concept Routes according to TMPs are made available by the Nav. Service providers Road closed in 30 mins due to prioritization of pedestrians (TMC preferred route). Directly access many drivers and cars Influence via Mobile Apps, In-Dash Navigation and PND’s Routes automatically adjusted Traffic data on highways and on secondary roads TMC preferred route offered as an option to the driver

16 TM 2.0 and competitive advantage

17 TM 2.0 added value for stakeholders

18 Organisational architectural models
Private company Private company Public authorities Public authorities Public authorities Public authorities Private company Private company

19 TMPs

20 Thank you, any questions?
Dr. Johanna Tzanidaki Director Public Affairs, TomTom Group

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