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Hurricane Lay Plans Update

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1 Hurricane Lay Plans Update
FUOPS May 13 (~L-96)

9 8 Landfall L-24 L-48 7 L-72 6 5 3 4 2 1 L-96 L-120 L-144 L-168

8 5 3 7 2 1 6 4 L-24 Landfall L-48 L-72 L-120 L-96

4 Hurricane DP Overview 5 UNCLASSIFIED
DP 1 : Stage initial internal elements in Virgin Islands / Puerto Rico (Phase 1) 1a: Alert and BPT Deploy DCO/E & EPLO to Virgin Islands/Puerto Rico 1b: Deploy DCO/E & EPLO to Virgin Islands / Puerto Rico DP 2: Curtail or Cancel on-going missions / Select and alert alternate C2 headquarters DP 3: Deploy initial internal elements CONUS 3a: Alert and BPT Deploy DCO/E & EPLO and back-ups 3b: Deploy DCO/E & EPLO and back-ups DP 4: Prepare to Operate 4a: Request Anticipated Needed Capabilities 4b: Request BSI/FOB 4c: Request JOA Designation 4d: Request Forces Necessary to Open Theater (TCP Enablers) DP 5: Select C2 5a: Recommend C2 structure 5b: Alert and BPT Deploy C2 5c: Request C2 Augmentation DP 6: Initiate Theater Opening Operations (Phase 2) DP 7: Deploy C2 headquarters (TF-51 or JCE) DP 8: Conduct Operations - Employ Forces / Complete MA (Phase 3) 8a: Employ select forces in JOA 8b: Retain/Deploy or Release remaining PTDO Forces DP 9: Reposition/Redeploy forces (Phase 4/5) 9a: Reposition/Redeploy force 9b: Redeploy/Disestablish C2 N/A Current Future (Kirk) Event Current Future Decision 24-48 hrs Pending Decision hrs Decision Made Current (Kirk) Current (Lay) 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 3 5 VI/PR L-120 L-240 L-216 L-192 L-168 L-144 L-96 L-72 L-48 L-24 L day CONUS Landfall L+24 L+48 EOM EOM+24 VI/PR - Landfall -120 -96 -72 -48 -24 +24 +48 EOM EOM+24

5 Recommendations DP 4: Prepare to Operate (NLT L-72)
4b: Request BSI/FOB Request Fort Stewart, GA as BSI Risk: If BSI not selected, ability to move forces to JOA may be delayed. 4c: Request JOA Designation Recommend Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi be designated as JOA JOA may be smaller than needed as situation develops.

6 Recommendations DP 5: Select C2 (NLT L-72)
5a: Recommend C2 structure Employ JCE for hurricane response in Region IV. Risk: Not deploying JCE to Region IV could reduce JFLCC Situational Awareness in the effected area. TF-51, recently redeployed from VR-13. 5b: Alert and BPT Deploy C2 Alert and BPT Deploy JCE to Region IV JCE manning reduces MCP capability. JCE may not fulfill the CCDR intent. State may take issue with T10 perceived “HQ” within their borders. Hurricane could change direction and Theater Enablers could be in effected area or an unacceptable distance from the effected area 5c: Request C2 Augmentation Do not request augmentation for the headquarters at this time. Operations could overwhelm MCP, JCE, or DCO/E. Risk is mitigate by the anticipated of short duration response, and forces can be further requested as needed without significant impact to need.

7 JFLCC Coordination Element (AS13)
Small Staff capable of performing single shift operations. Supports the DCG with limited ability to command and control T10 Push information to MCP for final decision and orders production Personnel (8): MG McQueen COL Madkins CPT Shams (DCG Aide) LTC Brough (G3/5/7) MAJ Brown (G4 Rep) CW2 Parks (ERV Operators) SGT Osborne (ERV Operators) LTC Beninato (PAO Rep) Equipment: DCG ERV DCG Rental G3 Rental G4 Rental Location: NAS Jacksonville Time-Line: Arrive 18 MAY 13 (Depart 17 MAY 13)

8 Decisions’ Review Decision Recommendation DP 4: Prepare to Operate
4b: Request BSI/FOB Request Fort Stewart, GA as BSI 4c: Request JOA Designation Recommend Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi be designated as JFLCC JOA DP 5: Select C2 5a: Recommend C2 structure Employ JCE for hurricane response in Region IV. 5b: Alert and BPT Deploy C2 Alert and BPT Deploy JCE to Region IV 5c: Request C2 Augmentation Do not request augmentation for the headquarters at this time.

9 Title 10 Theater Enablers
Hurricane Lay Task Org NORTHCOM JFLCC JCE TF-51 167th TSC DSC South Carolina (T) DSC Florida DCO/E IV RGN IV/FL Title 10 Theater Enablers T32 DEP T10 DEP T32 DEP T10 DEP JSF-SE JSF-SE DCO/E III B/U SC DCO/E V DCO/E I B/U AL/GA Title 10 Forces DCO/E VIII DCO/E II B/U NC Texas has a HRF Louisiana has a CERFP DCO/E IX DCO/E VII B/U MS OPCON / TACON COORDINATING DCO/E VI LA Joint US Army DCO/E X B/U TX State Guard

10 ARDENT SENTRY 13 Time-Line
16 May (Thur) 17 May (Fri) 18 May (Sat) 19 May (Sun) 20 May (Mon) 21 May (Tue) 22 May (Wed) 23 May (Thur) ARDENT SENTRY 13 N-NC PAUSEX ARDENT SENTRY (SEDENA) TF-51 CPX VIGILANT GUARD FLORIDA 0600: N-NC STARTEX 0600: N-NC STARTEX 0600: N-NC STARTEX 0600: N-NC STARTEX 0600: N-NC STARTEX SC STARTEX FL State STARTEX FL CBRN Incidents: Jacksonville, Gainesville, Tampa Hurricane Lay: Destin, FL Hurricane Kirk: Approaches Melbourne, FL and continues north SC CBRN Incident: Savannah River Spill Hurricane Lay: Melbourne, FL JCE Redeploys to FT Sam Houston , TX JCE Deploys to BSI JCE Operations 1330: CSAM 1330: CSAM 1330: CSAM 1330: CSAM 167th TSC Redeploys to FT McClellan, AL 167th TSC Deploys to BSI 167th Theater Opening Operations RJRSOI RJRSOI T-10 Forces Redeploy to Home Station T-10 Forces Deploy T-10 Units Support MA to 100% 1700 N-NC STARTEX Unit Level Training (316th Engr Co) 2100 N-NC PAUSEX 1800 N-NC PAUSEX 1800 N-NC PAUSEX 1800 N-NC PAUSEX 1800 N-NC PAUSEX All Times: CDT

11 Guidance

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