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What chapters are in section 2?

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Presentation on theme: "What chapters are in section 2?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What chapters are in section 2?
Tick the box beside each chapter as you complete it. 6 Different design ideas Evaluation tick chart 6 Hand drawn developments 3 Hand made prototypes CAM Prototypes Evidence of 2D Design work Evidence of graphics on Fireworks.

2 Designing for a band or film company
Things to remember when designing? Your design sheets can be done on either A4 or A3. They must be scanned into your PPT Use your specification points and research to help you think about the points and questions on the spider diagram. Use 1 Point perspective, isometric and 2D drawings to help you explain your idea. Use your specification titles to help you annotate your ideas. Over all size(s) – why? Aesthetics: What does it look like- why? Ergonomics – how will it work with the human body? Why is it shaped in this way? The design of the product must relate to the look, feel and style of the band or film. Target Market: Is this idea suitable for your market, How and Why? Designing for a band or film company What materials could you use to make the product and what impact could this have on any environmental and manufacturing issues. How are all the parts going to be manufactured? Is the product designed to be mass produced? Environment: Is this product recyclable, bio degradable or sustainable? How and Why?

3 Design idea 1- Example

4 Design idea 1- Example

5 Design Idea Evaluation Tick Chart
Specification Titles Design Ideas Which design idea meets all your specification points? Is this going to be your chosen idea? Explain you answer. Why does it meet your specification points? What areas do you think need to be developed and why?

6 Developments & Prototypes
What developments have been made from the last model? What materials could be good to make this shape? Why have you made these changes? Show all the mechanisms. How do they work? Each hand made and CAD prototype has to be developed further than the one before. Photograph these models and evaluate the changes and justify the changes made. Use your phone cam to do this. What are the strengths and weaknesses? Start evaluating straight away. Try to fit a minimum of 3 prototypes per A3 sheet. All prototypes need labelling and annotating as shown in the example above.


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