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Newell-Fonda, South Hamilton, Van Meter

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Presentation on theme: "Newell-Fonda, South Hamilton, Van Meter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Newell-Fonda, South Hamilton, Van Meter
Collaboration-Year 3 Newell-Fonda, South Hamilton, Van Meter

2 How it started John talked to Stacey about Juliana in November
Juliana and Stacey got in touch Juliana got in touch with Kim also We talked via , iChat and Skype Video conferences Met in person in March 2009 only at a conference presenting this


4 Ning-2009 Used Ning for students to get to know each other
Projects for each level with one final product per group of 3 (1 from each school) Sharing pictures and videos Use of the target language


6 Web sites used Ning Voicethread Showbeyond Youtube Google images

7 iMovies - What Not to Wear
Blogs Wikispaces Google docs

8 Groups To pair the students we used google docs

9 Lessons learned All 3 levels at once too much
Students struggle in the communication area Use their own account instead of sharing usernames and passwords Fear to work with people they don't know

10 Bellringers After the first major project, bell ringers to keep in touch The students had to respond to a question every week and respond to two other students also Keep contact and the use of Spanish

11 Pictures of discussions

12 2010-2011 Wikispaces for collaboration One project at a time
One per quarter Mixture of projects 2010 incorporated Spanish IV—blogging/story collaboration

13 Spanish 2 Collaborate in creating a dream vacation with pictures and voice on voicethread A little easier since students had already been through the process


15 Video explaining ser and estar
Compete against each other within each school Compete against the other schools Please vote for the best one before you leave the conference—watch for the TWEET/and from Wade with the Survey Monkey link!

16 Spanish 3 Exchange pictures of their summer vacation
The partner will make up the vacation based only on the pictures Next quarter, compare and contrast the vacation story told to check how much the other person got rights Use of Spanish and past tense

17 Spanish 4 Students create blogs
They comment on each other's blogs every week Some weeks there will be some current events they will need to discuss together


19 Samples



22 THE TRUE COLLAB. Created a project that was TRUE collaboration w/Spanish 3 in Actors/Actresses Webquest Students had to interview each other via skype and be that person.

Don’t forget to vote! VOTE HERE WATCH TWITTER and for a VOTING LINK!

24 NOW… Do you want a team!? Lets find 2-3 schools to team up, exchange info and get an idea going for this month!

25 Questions? Contact us!
Juliana Smith Newell Fonda CSD Stacey Wigant Van Meter CSD Kim Huegerich South Hamilton CSD or you can access our presentation from our presentation wiki:

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