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Evaluation of the Foundations in End of Life/Palliative Care Distance Learning Module for Community Nurses Presenter Christine Wheeler Project Team Sally.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of the Foundations in End of Life/Palliative Care Distance Learning Module for Community Nurses Presenter Christine Wheeler Project Team Sally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of the Foundations in End of Life/Palliative Care Distance Learning Module for Community Nurses Presenter Christine Wheeler Project Team Sally Anstey Mel Lewis Kay Jeynes Helen Way Oct 2011

2 Aim To demonstrate how successfully completing this distance learning module has had a measurable effect on the confidence of community nurses to use their increased knowledge in the principles and practice of palliative care

3 Background of module Module developed to support strategic vision and policies ( NICE 2004,Tebbit 2005, DoH 2006) Focus on education of generalist practitioners in palliative care Degree level distance learning module over 26 weeks Structured around a work and resource book Taught and work-based learning complemented by e-learning facility programme Supported by module lecturer and a clinical facilitator Formative and Summative Assessments

4 Evaluation Approach Quantitative:
Self assessment questionnaire at the beginning and end of module Focussed on confidence in ability in 9 specific areas of clinical practice related to palliative care Confidence scores rated between 0-6 Qualitative: Invited to add written comments for qualitative data in 9 areas Scores and comments compared pre and post module

5 Nine Specific Areas Recognising the palliative needs of patients and carers Assessing and treating pain and other symptoms Supporting the dying Supporting the recently bereaved Communication skills Meeting psychosocial needs of patients and families Seeking personal support Providing support to team members in relation to palliative and end of life care Working within a multi-disciplinary team

6 Overall Findings Quantitative
Scores show significant increase in confidence in all 9 areas Qualitative ‘ The content of the course has been beneficial to me. It covers all aspects of palliative care and [is]very thorough. It has given me the confidence in dealing with terminally ill patients and their families’

7 ‘I feel this course has addressed all these needs and has allowed me to gain confidence in my ability’

8 ‘I feel more confident definitely in assessing patient’s symptoms and physical and psychological needs. I think I will look more ethically at things now’

9 ‘Have openly negotiated the use of the ICP with GPs and have the confidence in doing so in my daily practice. I will often discuss patients wishes and preferences’

10 Progress to date Programme continues to support current global (WHO 2011) and national policies (WAG 2008, 2009) Approx 100 community nurses have successfully completed course to date Community programme continues Reconfigured programme for 50 inpatient qualified nurses 2011/2012

11 The Future Continue to evaluate programme for each cohort and across cohorts Formal education updates for nurses who have already completed course and further evaluation of confidence and knowledge 1-2 years post module Modification of module to be available to other Allied Health & Social Care Professionals Extension to nursing and residential homes

12 ‘I feel that I have gained so much more confidence and knowledge in all aspects of terminal care. I thought I was doing well before, but learnt that I could do so much better with the knowledge gained from the course. I feel that this course is valuable for all nurses caring for the terminally ill and especially district nurses....Thanks again for making it enjoyable and providing a great learning environment’

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