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Other Nations Colonize America

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1 Other Nations Colonize America

2 Early North American Colonies
Henry Hudson – Englishman, sailed for the Dutch Search for the Northwest Passage – found the Hudson River Dutch create New Amsterdam – modern day New York Quebec – First French settlement Only Catholics could come – few did Coureurs de Bois (Runners of the Woods) –lucrative fur trade Required close relationships with natives

3 Arrival of the English Economy changed with early industry – wool demand for textiles Landlords pasture fields instead of growing crops No work for tenant farmers & less food Poverty and starvation in early cities Charter Companies – merchants pool money together to purchase charters in new world. Somewhat independent of the crown

4 Religious Turmoil in England
1517: Martin Luther’s 95 Theses - Reformation begins English Reformation (1532): less pious, more political King Henry VIII sought divorce Created Anglican Church after excommunication Power struggle between “Bloody Mary” and Queen Elizabeth Protestantism grows under Elizabeth

5 Puritans vs. Separatists
Puritans: purge Anglican Church from Catholic practices Separatists: separate from the Church of England and create new Church with more strict doctrine Technically illegal, heavily persecuted Ideal group to leave, settle the “New World”

6 English Colonial Roots
Early colonies in Ireland – viewed Gaelic culture as ignorant “savages” Attempts to socialize the Irish = brutal wars and failure learned their role as colonizers from experience with Irish. Plantation Model English gov’t created plantations of English society and remain separate from natives.

7 First English Colonies in America
Newfoundland - Humphrey Gilbert, friend of Queen Elizabeth Ship was lost at sea Lost Colony of Roanoke organized one year later. Sir Walter Raleigh, Gilbert’s half brother settled on a small island off the coast of Virginia In 1590, John White, returned to England for supplies War with Spain prolonged trip by 3 years. returned to abandoned colony – “Croatoan”

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