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EDCI Retreat; Aug TJ Oakes Phillip VanFossen

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1 EDCI Retreat; Aug. 2006 TJ Oakes Phillip VanFossen
NCATE Program Review EDCI Retreat; Aug. 2006 TJ Oakes Phillip VanFossen

2 A brief review…. Unit Program
School, College, or Department of Education Program Specific Discipline Area

3 Unit Program NCATE SPA Reviewed by Board of Examiners
Program Reviewers (or state) Process On-site Electronic Decision Accreditation Recognition Final Decision-Maker Unit Accreditation Board Audit Team/Program Reviewers

4 SPA = Specialized Professional Association

5 Programs for Which NCATE Does NOT Have Standards
Art, music, dance, or drama education Business, speech, and vocational education Some advanced teacher education programs (e.g. M.Ed., Curriculum & Instruction) Guidance counselor These programs undergo state review or are accredited by other accrediting agencies.

6 6-8 Assessments: The Rules
Institution must submit a minimum of six assessments, unless the SPA specifies more than six required assessments Institution may submit additional assessments when SPA does not specify all eight assessments Six specific types of assessments are required by all SPAs

7 Required Assessments in National Program Review
State licensure exam for content Assessment of content knowledge Assessment of Planning (e.g., lesson plan or unit plan) Student teaching/internship assessment Assessment of candidate impact on student learning or providing a supporting learning environment Assessment that demonstrates candidates meet standards

8 What Criteria Are Used to Evaluate Assessments?
Assessments are aligned to standards Assessments reflect the rigor of standards Assessments are free from bias Scoring guides clearly identify levels of proficiency Data provide evidence of candidate mastery of standards

9 Purpose of the Program Review
Determine whether or not the program has in place a limited number (6-8) of comprehensive assessments that demonstrate candidate mastery of the SPA standards. Candidate performance on these assessments is appropriate to demonstrate mastery. Provide information for unit to use to respond to Unit Standard #1

10 How Much Data? For SPA reviews in 2010…
Programs will need 3 years of data minimum… Remember: Data are only as good as the assessment/scoring guide

11 An Example from Eastern Illinois University

Performance assessments required across unit: *Passing of Basic Skills Test, Illinois Content Area Test and APT Two Field Experience evaluations (one from an early field experience; one from later) Lesson Plan or Unit Plan Impact on P-12 learners Two content knowledge assessments (determined by the “Program”) Student Teaching Evaluation *Graduate and employer Follow-Up Survey data

13 Performance Assessments from Spec. Ed. Department (for SPA review)
Field Experience I – Behaviors Observation Course (90 contact hours) Field Experience II – Methods Practica (120 contact hours) Content Discipline Specific Assessments – ASR and Lesson Plan Unit Plan Impact on P-12 – IEP Student Teaching Evaluation (aligned to CEC Standards)

14 Who to Contact at SPAs For questions related to the standards and what are appropriate assessments for a particular discipline: SPA Program Review Coordinators

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