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Growing Miscellaneous Small Fruit

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1 Growing Miscellaneous Small Fruit
MSU Fruit Team Michigan State University Extension Educators for Horticultural & Marketing

2 Currants Red currant (Ribes rubrum)
Red Lake, very vigorous, productive. Berries medium size, bright red. Cherry,vigorous, upright, large berries. Black currant (R. nigrun) Consort, medium vigor, productive. WPBR resistant, medium quality. Josta, gooseberry x black currant hybrid, black berries, WPBR resistant. White currant (R. sativum) White Grape, pale yellow fruit, mild flavor.

3 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)
‘Adams 1 & 2’ very vigorous, productive, dark fruit ‘Johns’ very vigorous, larger clusters ‘York’ compact, for small areas. Sites: Zones 4-9. Tolerate shade and variable soils. Up to 10 ft tall and spreading; need space. Uses: pies, jelly, juice and wine. Some have ornamental foliage. Attractive to birds.

4 Gooseberries (Ribes uva-crispa) American Gooseberry
‘Poorman’ vigorous, productive. Small pink fruit. ‘Pixwell’ hardy, productive. Moderate thorns. Medium size, pink fruit ‘Jahn’s Prairie’ dark red with excellent flavor. High WPBR resistance.

5 Hardy Kiwifruit Actinidia arguta, A. kolomikta
Dioecious (need a male & female. Cultivars: ‘Geneva 2’, ‘Cornell’, ‘Ananasnaja’, ‘Artic Beauty’. Sites: Zones 3-8. Protected, sunny areas. Fertile, well-drained soil. Avoid frosty areas. Need support. Uses: Excellent fresh fruit. Vines are ornamental.

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