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HCAL M&O-B Budget CMS Finance Board

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1 HCAL M&O-B Budget CMS Finance Board
Julie Whitmore HCAL Resource Manager 28 May, 2013

2 CMS Hadron Calorimeter
Barrel and Endcap (HB/HE): Sampling scintillator/brass calorimeter Readout: Hybrid Photodetector (HPD), operating inside 3.8T magnet Forward (HF) : Cherenkov light from scintillating quartz fiber in steel absorber is read out with conventional PMT Outer (HO): Tail catcher with one (two in ring-0) scintillator layers and HPD readout Outside of the solenoid CASTOR: Tungsten-quartz plate Cerenkov calorimeter just beyond HF with PMT readout ZDC: Tungsten plate/quartz fiber ribbon stack 140 m from the IP

3 Hadron Calorimeter Barrel (HB), Endcap (HE), Outer (HO)
Scintillating tile, wave shifting fiber, HPD transducer HO HPDs produce large noise pulses in the stray return field of the CMS solenoid and are being replaced with SiPMs, a technology that did not exist during construction Forward (HF) Steel-quartz fibers read out by PMTs HF PMTs produce large pulses due to MIPs interacting with glass in PMT. PMTs are being replaced by thin window/metal can quad-anode PMTs CASTOR Quartz-tungsten plate sampling calorimeter CASTOR PMTs will be replaced with rad hard PMTs for long term operation (original CASTOR PMTs needed to be replaced due to unexpectedly large fringe field) Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) (mainly DOE nuclear support) Sampling calorimeter consisting of tungsten plate/quartz fiber ribbon stack Facilities H2 test beam, 5 electronics test stands, HO and HF test stands at P5

4 HCAL Scope of Work HO Improvement HPD SiPM LS1 HCAL Operations in increasing luminosity is challenging Need to be vigilant in data monitoring DQM, Calibration, Better simulations, Software reconstruction improvements Need to deal with challenges to detector robustness Firmware updates, Data recovery, Hardware failure workarounds LS1 Repairs + Improvements Installation & Commissioning 1) HF PMT replacement 2) HO HPD replacement 3) CCM board refurbishment, 4) DSS improvements, 5) General repairs Limited resources to support multiple fronts Operations/LS1/Upgrades HF Improvement LS1

5 HCAL M&O-B HCAL Base M&O-B provides for the following:
Maintenance and operations of HB, HE, HO, HF, CASTOR, ZDC, H2 test beam and various test stands LS1 repairs/improvements HCAL has existed with a you build it/you maintain it model Groups joining HCAL after completion of construction assume a proportionate share of M&O-B and ESP effort At present, there is no cash M&O-B fund. One exception is HCAL Upgrade TDR printing, charged to Upgrade Institutes only. Cost sharing determined by number of PhD physicists In the future, a small “M&O-B-like” common fund will exist Small fund (<25 kCHF) for shared expenses such as safety equipment, etc. Credit will be given and reported as M&O-B contribution. All HCAL M&O-B is the in-kind contributions of the collaborating institutions/funding agencies.

6 Expenditure Report HCAL 2012 M&O-B expenditures report
HCAL experienced stable operations in 2012 with over 99% good channels, with calibration and noise suppression well optimized. Excellent understanding of MET in data and simulation was achieved. All participating funding agencies contributed to these activities. HCAL expenditures in 2012 were consistent with the proposed budget, with the largest expenditure being for hired manpower at CERN. Expenditures increased in preparation for the LS1 activities. In addition to detector operations, manpower at CERN increased to accommodate testing activities needed to prepare equipment (CCMs, HO Silicon PMTs (SiPMs), and HF PMTs) for LS1 installation. Largest material expenditures were from 1) refurbishment of the CCM (credited to 2014), 2) HF multi-anode PMT baseboards and socket fabrication, 3) infrastructure improvements needed to establish test stands/areas at CERN, 4) spare supplies in preparation for LS1.

7 HCAL 2014 M&O-B Manpower at CERN includes 3.05 FTE institute technical manpower plus 6.25 FTE hired manpower at CERN M&O-B credit given for CCM refurbishment and for common expenditures (TDR printing) Significant ESP effort from all collaborators not included in M&O-B

8 M&O-B Projections Budget for 2014 includes costs for increased manpower needed for LS1 and unforeseen 2013 expenditures for projects in 2013 (e.g. CCM repairs.) levels are expected to decrease to pre-LS1 preparation levels

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