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War Chart for American Independence

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1 War Chart for American Independence
Dates: April 19, 1775 – September 3, 1783

2 War Chart for American Independence
Causes: Strong “independent” mindset in the American colonies Unfair laws and taxes – no representation in Parliament Enlightened ideas that influence revolutionary leaders

3 War Chart for American Independence
The Spark: Fighting at Lexington and Concord (April, 1775)

4 The British had a clear military advantage

5 America did not have as many strengths but we did have some

6 Military leadership proved to be the most needed strength
Encouraged common citizens & volunteer soldiers to support the war even when your side is losing Military leadership was: US = George Washington British = Thomas Gage & William Howe

7 Differing Military Strategies
General Washington General Gage

8 Differing Military Strategies
The Americans The British Divide & Conquer Use Loyalists, seize property, encourage slave revolts Split the Northern & Southern colonies Blockade ports to prevent trade Outlast the British Defend colonial lands & drag out the war Guerilla tactics Make an alliance with France

9 Differing Military Strategies
The Americans The British Divide & Conquer Use Loyalists, seize property, encourage slave revolts Split the Northern & Southern colonies Blockade ports to prevent trade Outlast the British Defend colonial lands & drag out the war Guerilla tactics Make an alliance with France As long as Britain did not defeat the Continental Army, England could not win

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